Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
I liked to use the word “authentic” but ever since it has become Webster’s Word of the Year, I don’t want to use it as much because I don’t want to come across as a cliche. Been searching for a suitable replacement because I don’t quite like “genuine” either. Finally came across “bona fide” in my reading - gonna integrate it into my writing from now on!
Day 256 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 56 push-ups. (10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 6)
Yo. Guessing you double posted here by mistake? 255 and 256.. What up?
256 must have been here
So uh, seems like I came down with something nasty yesterday evening. I got the push-ups done early in case I get more sick later and cannot do them (it's 02:00 UK time so it's a new day!!!)
When the saloon opens, can someone post the snail on my behalf? I might end up sleeping the whole day and miss it. :V
Get well soon snail
Yoooo... read this late! Alrighty!
Day 8 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 780 sats! Running total: 6,594 sats!
Won my Fantasy Football League!
Congrats man. My final hope got knocked out this weekend.
Hey Stackers,
Hope everyone had a great Christmas, mine went pretty well.
Good times with family, and my wife bought me a record player and speakers.
Bullish on bitcoin re-aligning incentives btw.
Thanks, Hustle
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Sleeping late, watching leftovers and pies, chilling with family.
Good times!
Howdy! Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Thanks for the sats StackerClaus.
🎅 stackerclaus is awesome
Enjoying time away from my Fiat job! Enjoying the magical time of year with my young kids and wife!
Awesome. Enjoy!
I think the ultimate moderation tool for over-subscribed communities is going to be a fidelity bond - first time posting or commenting in a territory requires putting up a bond (e.g. 100k sats) and the founder can send the bond to rewards if you ever misbehave. You can redeem the bond 30 days after your last post/comment in the territory should you choose.
No one will post if they have to put up a 100k bond.
I think 100k was just an example and it's just a moderation tool founders can use but don't have to.
Exactly 100k is explicitly example for an over-subscribed territory. You're trying to keep passive participators away.
I don't think giving founders tools that will restrict SN engagement is a good strategy.
Founders are competing for engagement. Why would everyone choose a losing strategy?
Because they know they aren't going to make a profit from territories anyways and they want to keep their territories clear of zap farming posts. I am not saying all will or even many will but even if a few do, it can harm the user experience for stackers. Not everyone who won't want to put up a 100k bond is a bad actor. I like to post in other territories besides my own. I am not going to put up a 100k to post in each of those once and awhile.
And if you are correct and no one uses the tool because the incentives don't make sense what it the point of having it? Better to spend time and energy on something people might actually use.
tbh I'm struggling to find where we actually disagree. This isn't a priority relative to many other things but it is a priority among novel economic tools for community-keeping.
I think the communities that have high bonds will appeal to very specific set of people and I think those people want less but deeper engagement.
I think low bonds are probably useful to other territory founder that doesn't want to actively watch their territory but want it to exist.
Neither is exactly well suited to SN's current audience but that's kind of the point. Some people are more comfortable behind red ropes and hurdles and we don't have devices for that yet.
I see the value proposition for territory founders to have tools they may wish to use and to use them as they see fit but I don't see the value proposition for SN broadly. The benefit of territories besides the revenue is breadth of content hopefully leading to more activity on the site and more users on the site. The drawback at least currently as we are in the early days (wild west phase) of territories is a more siloed user experience. I think giving founders tools to restrict engagement (I am not talking about bots or zap farming posts) further silos SN. I think it is a delicate balance you have to strike between growing SN and the feature set and maintaining the magic that got SN to this point.
In my opinion, the territories are like "franchises" of SN. There should be some tools and autonomy for territory founders to manage their territories as they see fit but ultimately those should align with the broader SN experience, value proposition, user loyalty ethos.
WIP new years resolutions:
  1. Begin writing daily (again ... well sort of because I never really stuck with it very long). I've been inspired by elvis to be less sucky at it. If being half as good is possible, I'll be happy to expend the effort.
  2. Start reading a lot, and taking notes when I read, again. I loathe remembering things but love recalling things so I'll be giving obsidian a stab which should also help inform future information mapping features on SN. Ultimately, this whole thing should resemble a community note taking app.
  3. Get back in shape. Ideally a less round one. My weight yoyos so much and I've gone far enough in the wrong direction over the last year.
These are great note taking apps I use on my phone. Perfect for writing down ideas or words to hold onto.
I rather use pen and paper to jot down ideas when I don't have a computer at hand. But the rare occasions I write something on one of my phones, I use Logseq or just send it to myself through either SimpleX, Keet, or Nostr.
ya nostr great for holding images
I'll be giving obsidian a stab
Logseq is an opensource alternative which takes privacy and data control seriously.
Hey, I was looking at the docs, and making a comparison.
What would you say are the major differences with regard to privacy, opensource ethos?
Do not trust, verify.
Fair enough comment.
Seems that they both are in the same ballpark. It's encouraging to see that logseq can be built from source. I deny outgoing network connections to any domains apart from their own domain / gh. I haven't seen many attempts from either. So far, so good.
Appreciate the reply.
Got a bit of time off and it feels so luxurious.
And then I think: there are ten million things I want to do.
Glad to see you here, Stackers. Hope you have a lovely week.
Glad to see you here, Stackers. Hope you have a lovely week.
Also glad to see you back here :)
We've noticed that you were less active recently but that's okay. RL comes first! Hope you feel less pressure regarding your job now.
(I think I can speak for a lot of people on here)
Announcing Kelly Brewster, CEO of WOLF, as a TopBuilder judge.
Apply for TopBuilder before Jan. 13th, 2024:
Imagine a world that is a really nasty place to live, more or less populated with players that always defect, except there's a little cluster of tit-for-tat players that live in some kind of nucleus and they get to play with each other a lot because they're geographically sequestered. They will start building up a lot of points, and also because that translates into offspring, they'll start to take over the population. So in fact, Axelrod showed that a little island of cooperation can emerge and spread and eventually will take over the world, which is fantastic.
It's crazy how much structure emerges if you just add in repeated encounters and reputation.
Howdy gang!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas or if you don't celebrate it, hope you had a wonderful Monday. My apologies for not posting but our christmas eve party ended at 7am so I was pretty much devastated and took some time off the grid, just me and the wife enjoying our well deserved day off, now it's Tuesday and time to get back on track and finish strong this 2023, which I feel it went quite fast. Today my hot cup of java is served, weather is nice and I'm ready for a magnificent day. I wish you a glorious day as well my good friend, you deserve all the food things in life, you're worthy, important and you absolutely matter. Why? Simple, you're awesome and perfect just the way you are, perhaps some tweaks here and there, we all need those to be on the path of enjoyment. We're here to experience life, might as well experience it with a loving heart and a positive vibe. I believe in you and I'm very proud of you my friend, so let's show this day who's boss and let's kick some butt. May your day be phenomenal and full of success, profit and love. As always, be well and stay frosty!!
Have a nice day Coach!
You as well my friend!!! Enjoy it to the fullest!
I hope you have a great day, hug your family, have fun with your friends, zap strangers and laugh at your enemies ❤️
Day 255 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 55 push-ups. (30 - 20 - 5)
Great Boxing Day effort
Day 36 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 3 minutes 2 seconds
Consistently breaking the 3 minute barrier!
Have a lot of ground to cover to reach the magic 7.
16977 blocks to go. 16977/144=~117days.. 7min-3min=4min=240secs.
240/117=~2. I need to increase 2 seconds everyday.
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Ahh... 255 is a number which makes me happy.
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Money affects everyone.
Be responsibly all in on Bitcoin. Your ‘all in’ position isn’t just judged from a financial lens but an ethical one too.
Don’t let high fees stop you from participating in building a better monetary system and storing your wealth within it.
Most people use the current and inferior ‘money’; move to where the puck’s going to be.
(Notes made while watching a video by Source Creator - Why I would pay any fee to buy Bitcoin)
TBH I am all-in for selfish reasons and don't care one iota about ethics, whatever that might even imply.
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Good morning stackers! ~Music Saloon is also open if you wanted to drop by and share tracks. Hopefully you find something you hadn't discovered before!
🤠 Hey Cowfolk, looks like we survived another Christmas morning. Anyone want to share their top gift? 🎁
gifting people the things you made feels great!
Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space It trembled and exploded, left a bus stop in its place The bus came by and I got on, that's when it all began There was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land
From slums that break wills, Bitcoin offers a true hope, Empowering lives
Good reminder that bottom up builds a more solid base than top down. More Anita, less Fink.
Merry hangover day Saloon stackers!
Article one section ten of the USA 1789/1791 constitution prohibits States from using anything but actual gold and silver coin as tender and payment of debt. So how do they tax you in Federal Reserve notes? Federal Reserve notes are defined as obligations in 18 USC 8. And 31 USC 3124 prohibits states from taxing federal obligations except for corporations. So if a US citizen or resident alien can be taxed in Federal Reserve notes, then they are a United States corporation/ U.S. citizen. A State Citizen [national] is not, and no unconstitutional tax can be levied against a State Citizen. And congress has not authority over State Citizens. Since many across this nation has figured out the citizenship fraud, and are correcting the fraud via passport, the enemy is in panic. The IRS has the right to inquire about taxes if you cannot prove State Citizenship. See…"Unless the defendant can prove he is not a citizen of the United States, the IRS has the right to inquire and determine a tax liability." U.S. v. Slater, 545 Fed. Supp. 179,182 (1982).
Hey y'all! Just rode into the Stacker Saloon and couldn't resist the friendly vibe. Gonna grab a stool and share tales from my adventurous day. Cheers to a wild and woolly life!
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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Stay humble and stack sats