WIP new years resolutions:
  1. Begin writing daily (again ... well sort of because I never really stuck with it very long). I've been inspired by elvis to be less sucky at it. If being half as good is possible, I'll be happy to expend the effort.
  2. Start reading a lot, and taking notes when I read, again. I loathe remembering things but love recalling things so I'll be giving obsidian a stab which should also help inform future information mapping features on SN. Ultimately, this whole thing should resemble a community note taking app.
  3. Get back in shape. Ideally a less round one. My weight yoyos so much and I've gone far enough in the wrong direction over the last year.
I'll be giving obsidian a stab
Logseq is an opensource alternative which takes privacy and data control seriously.
Hey, I was looking at the docs, and making a comparison.
What would you say are the major differences with regard to privacy, opensource ethos?
Do not trust, verify.
Fair enough comment.
Seems that they both are in the same ballpark. It's encouraging to see that logseq can be built from source. I deny outgoing network connections to any domains apart from their own domain / gh. I haven't seen many attempts from either. So far, so good.
Appreciate the reply.
These are great note taking apps I use on my phone. Perfect for writing down ideas or words to hold onto.
I rather use pen and paper to jot down ideas when I don't have a computer at hand. But the rare occasions I write something on one of my phones, I use Logseq or just send it to myself through either SimpleX, Keet, or Nostr.
ya nostr great for holding images