Third attempt to get more stackers to join the official SN TG RSS channel
But I think this time, this might indeed be a lot more relevant for some stackers since we launched territories: Any post from any territory that hits the front page will show up in there.
This means you can use this channel to keep track of "trending" posts on SN - no matter from which territory it originated from. That's how I kept track of interesting posts on SN even before territories.
To be fair, there is also another SN TG RSS channel that existed before this one. The reason I created my - in retrospective "official" - SN TG RSS channel was that @cowmaster mentioned in the stackerz chat that the RSS channel no longer works and the maintainer wasn't reachable.
Let me know if using TG is a problem for you.
I (also) think TG has become more and more hostile to bitcoiners over time.
I would also encourage you to fully drop Telegram in favor of SimpleX, Matrix or Nostr. After the experience of getting my account "confiscated", my trust on TG operation is null (...and we already knew TG privacy is crap).
There has been some big announcements recently about Telegram supporting Bitcoin in their built-in app wallet. I decided to test it out and unfortunately found some major issues that make it a failure and Dead on Arrival.
You can (obviously) always use the RSS feed with any RSS reader but maybe there is a better way to keep stackers updated what happens on SN that we're currently unaware of.
I guess I am doing a bad job shilling the TG channel, lol
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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TG is a centralized service. It shouldn't be a surprise that they can ban / "confiscate" your account at their own discretion. Have you clicked the link? It contains a signed message from the RoboSats admin regarding this. It's from June 12.
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why are so many people using Telegram?
Network effect