pull down to refresh


You can now created your own subs territories. Note: this is just an MVP. It's probably 5% of what we have planned for territories.
edit: you can create them from the dropdown in the top bar
  • 50% of all revenue made by the territory is paid to the founder at the end of the day texas time
    • the other 50% goes to rewards
    • this split will eventually be configurable, eg the founder gets 100% of revenue or rewards get 100% of revenue
    • the territories revenue is the revenue SN would ordinarily collect: 100% posting costs, 10% of zaps, 100% of boost
  • territory founders can configure and edit indefinitely:
    • base post cost
    • post types
    • you can't currently edit the name or billing type but that'll be implemented eventually
    • eventually everything
  • seamless crossposting and retroactive crossposting between territories
  • subscribing/unsubscribing to territories
  • create territories within other territories, eg ~bitcoin/privacy and ~bitcoin/mining
    • the territory founder can sell sub-territories to other stackers at a price of their choosing
  • more post types
  • more economic parameters
That's it mostly. Let me know if you have questions.

what's next

While we will definitely be iterating on territories, you might have noticed we are prioritizing legal. It's all WIP but our focus for the next few weeks (after editing out all the wonky copy-paste legalese in those docs) will be on wallet stuff.
We haven't exactly figured out our plans yet but you can expect more non-custodial support at the very least. I promise not to surprise you with anything weird and to discuss any potentially large changes should we end up making them.
yeehaw cowboys!
This is probably why btc is pumping,.
229 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 6 Dec 2023
lol, @k00b, didn't I mention this in a somewhat recent meeting? Imagine bitcoin going to pump when we release territories
Please tell me you remember, I'm actually not sure if I did say that out loud or if my mind is just making things up right now haha
Your prediction markets MVP could also be the reason. One of those two things, for sure.
825 sats \ 3 replies \ @dk 5 Dec 2023
love the name. feels like a bit of real estate and not just some vague virtual space
Thanks! We debated it a lot. It's a mouthful but worth the unusually aligned metaphor.
We debated it a lot.
but in hindsight, it was inevitable, lol
Reminds me of the game RISK, which I love!
@grayruby your wish has been granted, wen ~sports?
I know. Where is he?
still posting meta takeovers πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Haha. I would have been but my daughter wanted to play in the snow.
ahhhh that is nice and more important than SN. Enjoy it.
My daughter wanted to play in the snow.
This is very exciting news. The battle is won and now the war begins. SN and zapping sats will be the standard for internet discourse.
@k00b probably finished territories bc @grayruby and @Undisciplined were driving him insane.
I would like to applaud @k00b for handling this tense situation with great grace and dignity.
I will join in this applause.
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Congratulations on shipping territories! I know how hard and long you’ve been working on this. It’s fantastic to see!
Not sure how I feel about it yet but it's cool to see it being explored. One recommendation, enforce some uniformity with the names. It starts to get a bit ugly with all of the combinations of letter casing and underscores happening. I'm always in favor of restricting user optionality originally and expand from there as more usage occurs.
I felt the same way when I noticed capital letters and underscores and was wondering: what characters are allowed in a reddit sub name?
Didn't find out, only this, lol
But capital letters are definitely allowed. Makes sense, for camel case. But underscore? Snake case?
Have you thought of having a reward pool individual to each territory? Could be interesting where if I am active in a territory that blows up in popularity I am rewarded for it.
That's the plan. Basically the goal is to have a fully recursive tree structure and every territory, sub-territory, sub-sub-territory and so on is a miniature SN. Too much shit to do though lol
Absolutely monstrous work! Can't wait to see how much SN grows.
Awesome, I think this is a great idea and seems very well thought.
One minor suggestion: Perhaps there should be some rules for the territory name (all lowercase, no special characters, or others), because the lists looks a bit messy at the moment.
What a coincidence. Today I dreamed about this release #339163
That was a phenomenal idea. This place feels even more alive. Thanks for doing that!
This is awesome! Thank you for your good work!
@k00b regarding sub territories, is it still on the product roadmap?
I am definitely interested in creating a mining ⛏️ territory or sub-territory
Yes. But it will likely be a couple months before we can work on it.
Thanks πŸ™
I guess I have to start a mining ⛏️ territory in July!
Congratulations, SN! Territories are a great idea. Very well thought out. Bitcoin monetisation really changes the game, and you guys understand it better than anyone else. I'm very excited to see what's next. All the best!
If I want to test out being a Founder for a few months, could I eventually switch from the 100K/month payment to the 3M to lock it in forever? Or are you stuck with whichever payment method you choose permanently?
We aren't sure how the transition should work from one payment plan to another yet but the plan is to allow you to switch.
Things to think about adding:
  • admins and moderators
no. dont turn this into reddit 2.0, we cant have any kind of censorship. you moderate with sats.
Tomorrow is likely going to be a big payout day πŸ‘€
Territory fees don't go to rewards. Some people might call this a business model.
Thanks for clarifying. Makes total sense now
That was terse and ambiguous and seems snarky on second reading. Not my intention! I meant it to sound playful my bad.
Didn't read it that way at all. Makes sense to help pay the bills, especially with the added legal burden.
That was terse and ambiguous and seems snarky on second reading. Not my intention! I meant it to sound playful my bad.
Now I read it this way! haha
I think it was a cool way to tell that's part of our business model :)
so what happens if you found a territory for say a month, but don't pay again after the month is up? is it just up for grabs, or does it get deleted, or what?
The territory archives. New posts aren't allowed. Perhaps if it lapses for 30 days, we'll foreclose on it and offer it for sale to someone else.
What happens to the content in it?
It'll be viewable. You just won't be able to create new content in it until someone starts maintaining it again.
Keep up the good work.
Yeah exciting!
Territories? So many kings will rise on SN.
I love the territory sell off
@Car does this means now SNL will go for discussing top 5 for each territory ? How many hours will be SNL from now on? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
lol damn didn't think about that, i imagine will still go over the top 5 on stacker news home page right @k00b?
this is cool tho, cause now I can choose my favs from different territories
Nice development. Never thought of this, considering, the Bitcoin sub includes all: nostr, economics, technology, finance, freedom, science, geopolitics, philosophy, history, etc.
Awesome, but I'm worried the drop down is going to get messy?
It is but its software fortunately 😌
Where to create territories? I can't find it.
Click on the territory dropdown then at the very bottom there's create.
Small request - Can Dev team added how much longer the Territory has before expiring in the territory detail section. Example: UFO Territory Expires in 28 days
where the revenue from a crossposted post between 2 subs go ?
It's not implemented yet but ...
Crossposting will require paying posting costs in all subs you're crossposting to.
I mean the 10% from the zap who will benefit it from that 2 subs ?
Even split
Awesome 🀠⚑
I don't like the economy of founders. It incentivizes users to make many low-effort obvious territories before others can claim the name.
There needs to be some kind of take-over-name flow (possibly where users vote with sats to pass some name to other sub) so there might be different subs on the same topics with different moderators competing with each other, and best one wins over the most canonical name according to community.
For example, if users are not happy with moderators of "minecraft" sub they might create "minecraft2" sub. And eventually if enough sats say so, they might take over original "minecraft" name if thats what community want.
Takeover flow is needed to have self-correcting dynamics playing out in here.
Subs territories cost money to create and maintain? OMG dude, stop giving Reddit ideas. /s
Glad you got this out before the bull market. Last major feature for the next 2 years as we just all stare at price charts πŸ˜‚
This is a great idea but seems very expensive at this moment.
What do you think of adding the option to post in multiple territories at the same time? That’d be cool
ok - so I don't understand the billing. I get that it's 100,000 in order to create one... but are there fees accosted with it? Will I have to pay 3 million sats once or incur an ongoing fee as long as the territory exists?
Yes 3 million sats means no future recurring costs to keep the territory.
1 million sats/year means every year you will pay 1 million sats to keep the territory.
100 thousand sats/month means every month you will pay 100 thousand sats to keep the territory.
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What does ownership give me? I don't want to moderate it - that's too much work.
Our goal is to give you economic tools such that people self-moderate like they do in a market. I can't promise our tools will solve every need for moderation, but our goal is to do that.
Even without moderation, creating a vibrant territory is going to be a lot of work in terms of engaging with and encouraging contributions.
Do I get the 10-sat fee when people post? Do I get the 1 sat fee when people reply? Is there a revenue split?
As is you get 50% of all posting fees/zap fees/boost. The other 50% goes to rewards. We plan to allow you to configure this split (giving up to 100% to yourself). Think of it like shopify - fixed costs paid to us and you keep whatever you earn, be it small or large.
Who is the first to gamble on squatting a shitcoin territory?
Moderate with sats is the best to avoid censorship aka Reddit.
Can territories be muted?
Not currently!
this is amazing.
50% of all revenue made by the territory is paid to the founder at the end of the day texas time
What does "revenue" mean? If I zap a post or a comment, right now the zap goes to the poster / commenter. Does this mean that if these things are attached to territories, half the zap amount of that thing goes to the enclosing territory?
If I zap a post or a comment, right now the zap goes to the poster / commenter
90% goes to the poster/commenter. 10% is revenue.
In the native territories ~bitcoin, ~nostr, ~meta, and ~tech 100% of this 10% goes to rewards. In stacker territories, 50% of this 10% goes to the founder, 50% of the 10% goes to rewards.
Gracias, gotcha.
Only whales can own territories, know this and know peace
What happens to content and posts in that territory if it gets dropped or unmaintained later?
It'll be viewable. You just won't be able to create new content in it until someone starts maintaining it again.
this territory would mine millions of satoshis
What about rules inside each territory? Cowboys must defend their territory somehow, right? Or is something that will come later?
Rules for now are the same as the rules on SN - enforced with zapping. We will give cowboys defenses too eventually should they want them.
we need pistols, soon...
Darth opening a new territory, the negotiations table is open... Shitcoiners coming to my table must be "disarmed".
what would be theme there?
Brb one sec
This is bullish πŸ”₯
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It's unlikely any territory will be profitable immediately too.
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I'm going to slowly move all the meta Music Mondays posts across to the music sub but I'll have to do it 2moro as it's late now and I've got an early morning.
But I've got a couple ideas on how to expand meta Music Mondays from a once a week to some more fun throughout the week.
Looks like I got work to do haha! I dont know if I've got enough ideas to post enough content for an entire sub! But I'll sure try my best!
This must occur.
I'm going to need to move sats about to pay founder fee, but I'll sure give it a whirl.
I am concerned that how expensive it is to create a sub/territory that it'll price out a lot of discussion. But we shall see.
I am concerned that how expensive it is to create a sub/territory that it'll price out a lot of discussion.
Valid concern but I think when there is more data about how much sats founders earn back, I think we will think differently about this :)
There is a founding new territory wave right now but I think that will die down. It should be cost prohibitive to create a sub otherwise you will have chaos and subs created for everything. I almost prefer you guys didn't offer the 100k sats/month option outside of the first 30 days. After 30 days you should have to decide if you want to commit for a year or not. Or maybe you even lower it to 50k sats for the first month as a trial so people can test their ideas but then make is 1M sats for a year if they want to keep going. Or possibly a 6 month option. 550k sats.
Absolutely only way to find out is to give it a shot
Try it for a month and see how it goes.
Exactly my thinking.
I only paid for one month so far.
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The territory archives. New posts aren't allowed.
Perhaps if it lapses for 30 days, we'll foreclose on it and offer it for sale to someone else.
Makes me think of Stacker News auctions. The perfect use-case to build that functionality for future product listings.
Because of course, you’ve nothing else left on the roadmap now.
I paid for one month because I had enough sats for that on SN. Am I stuck month to month now or will I be able to just pay for a year before the end of the first month?
Perhaps if it lapses for 30 days, we'll foreclose on it and offer it for sale to someone else.
Makes sense
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There isn't much difference. You can always store your shoes in the oven. πŸ˜„
It's a good trick. That way the cats can't chew your snickers. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
I'm trying to understand is it make sense to create one, but I haven't find much benefits yet πŸ˜‚
Right now, I'd only create one if you have an interest in creating a community that's awkward to have in ~meta or if you think you might be able to lead a community on a topic that could eventually make you money.
You will always have the SN Saloon... the best place ever.
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To SN. It's mine now.
so finally you have money for beers
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