why not come up with solutions to solve this problem in stead of being so negative - I mean why waste the power of the Internet and magic internet money if that's really your dream - I'd f*cking try EVERYTHING to keep it alive.
I love your energy @Natalia. I did not expect any other reply from you regarding this, lol :)
And I agree! But maybe @jb55 is just burned out or something. No idea what's going on behind the scenes.
The art of problem-solving 👀 understanding the main problems, then finding solutions by keeping trying and be patient.
I assumed it's the cost in this case, so break it down then you need to find out how to cover them first without doing anything unethical to users, then you slowly graduate from that and do small experiments to try to make money in a healthy and long-term way ( keep the ones that work and eliminate the ones that don't or you don't like it, it's a process ), and you can only figure it out by trying not being sad or negative, and if this is what you really want, maybe the whole world would come to help you in different ways.