Welcomed baby #3 at 823090. Everyone healthy. Can't stop fiat mining though but at least get to WFH. Used the opportunity to apply to a bitcoin role.
Anyone transition into the bitcoin industry lately? Whats the good word?
Great News! Congratulations!
We'll win the battle of ideas through sheer numbers.
Congratulations! Amazing to hear! I’m also trying to re-transition to Bitcoin, I gave myself some runway last year to do so, but had to pause and mine some fiat.
Did you 1099? I keep pondering that as an option but have never done it.
I’m not a US citizen, but used registered tax paying company.
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Nah. We're not there yet with momma. But all in all a great birth and was able to shield baby from most nonsense.
Still, would be happy to hear from first-hand experience! but people used to be home birth:) I wonder how difficult it can be, like you feel much more comfy and warm this way 🧐
this is natalia's theory talking, with 0 experience
7am labor contractions started. Went in around 2:45pm and they checked. Dialation started. We were told to go to the hospital. Wife kept laboring but had back labor. Idk what that means but the sounds she was making were primal. Was awesome. Eventually she tapped out and got an epidural to ease the pain. Maybe an hour or two later baby was basically right there. One half push and she was hear. We blame crossfit for the quick labor. Then we basically wete prisoners in a small hospital room for 24hrs due to "protocol". Came home last night and have been chillin and relaxing with family.