I apologize if this has already been discussed or linked. I was so happy to watch Peter McCormack's interview with Fran Finney. She broke her silence to discuss her Running With Bitcoin ALS charity. It sounds like a worthy cause, and I hope to contribute and support it however I can. Anyone who is interested in Half Finney, and that should be everyone, will get a lot from the interview. You get first hand insight into his character, motivations and goals. You also learn of the pain and struggles the whole family endured because of his illness and due to a few assholes who made their lives hell as the end neared. It was incredibly sad. I hope this is just the first of many interviews Fran does. Maybe she'll write a book.
So lucky we all are to now hear her story.
Will definitely be Running Bitcoin on Jan 10th. Wherever I am, will do a half marathon that morning for Hal.
One of the best Bitcoin podcast interviews to date. I don’t have high hopes for cryogenics panning out but it would be amazing if we could talk to him again some day.
You are spot on correct.
Anyone who is interested in Half Finney
The Half Finney was a typo right?
Ah! Yes. I spotted it after the edit period. In another context I could make a stupid joke, but this is too sad and important.
I also listened to the interview today and made me want to help fundraise on her fundraising site.
Asking stackers to see if they're interested in forming a team and help with the fundraiser.
I think more people would donate if they weren't asking email address just a thought
Very good idea! I am in.
Wouldn’t she have a thousand+ coins???
How many coins she has is her privacy and it does not concern me. I see this as a good cause, would like to support it personally, and wanted to see if other stackers on SN wants to support also; that's all there is to it for me.
I've read that he/they needed to sell most near the end of his life due to increasing medical bills. Because not as valuable as they are now it unfortunately chewed through most of their stack.
Yes, the interview was great. A "running-bitcon" half-marathon is something that can be done with a bit of prep if you run weekly anyway. Should make this an agenda topic on our next local btc meetup ...
Probably a well-known post (Bitcoin and me (Hal Finney)) to many OGs, but going over Hal's Wikipedia made me (re)discover it... inspiring.
I’m sorry but why is she looking for charity?
You don’t think she could easily fund the cure for ALS herself….?
If his Wikipedia entry is correct, Hal's Bitcoin stack was eaten away by his healthcare expenses.
Being paralyzed, and needing 24/7 care, would not have been cheap.
Great interview as a marathoner I love the proof of work ties!