Didn’t he turn to shitcoins and participate to Ethereum conferences etc.?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 4 Jan
I think you're thinking of David Chaum
Wouldn't surprise me if some of his stuff was presented at Ethereum conferences by the Ethereum foundation or whomever, after all, Vitalik did use the guy's name in the protocol for Ethereum (wei represents the smallest unit of ETH used for gas/sending transactions, "gwei" represents 1,000 wei, etc.)
Very possibly. He wouldn't be the first. Do you have a link or reference?
You can read about some of his publications about Ethereum and “public blockchains” at https://wdai.us/posts/. I think he treats topics that will be relevant for the Bitcoin protocol as well. Nevertheless, they are presented at Eth’s conferences and shared by the Ethereum foundation’s YT channel.
In general, he seems pretty close to and willing to work on Turing-complete chains, something that Satoshi deliberately chose to avoid.
I don’t see anything wrong with it, I just hope Satoshi is still among us coding on Bitcoin and didn’t change his mind on such an important piece of Bitcoin’s architecture. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter.