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In the United States, where it has become almost impossible to use “liberal” in the sense in which I have used it, the term “libertarian” has been used instead. It may be the answer; but for my part I find it singularly unattractive. For my taste it carries too much the flavor of a manufactured term and of a substitute. What I should want is a word which describes the party of life, the party that favors free growth and spontaneous evolution. But I have racked my brain unsuccessfully to find a descriptive term which commends itself.
- F. A. Hayek (from Why I am Not a Conservative)
Later in the essay, Hayek considers bringing back the term "Whig", but is still unsure. What name should we freedom lovers use for ourselves?
classical liberalism21.1%
Whiggism (like Hayek suggested)0.0%
anarchism or minarchism15.8%
Other (comment below)0.0%
We shouldn't give it a name15.8%
19 votes \ poll ended
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I'm fine with "libertarianism" as the broad term for us. I think it has the most widespread general usage.
I use terms like "anarchism" or "voluntaryism" when I want to be more specific about my flavor of libertarianism.
That's a good point! I should have put voluntaryism on there
I think classical liberalism is an easier sell to most Americans than libertarianism, which unfortunately has baggage. True liberalism was hijacked in 1913 and further with New Deal era, but this true, classical liberalism is America’s blueprint. Just need to consistently work to take the word back, and label leftists directly as leftists, progressives, Marxists, neomarxists, etc.
I'm also fine with libertarianism. You seem to be specifically asking about the political party in the U.S., though. Is that accurate?
I'm not talking as much about the political party as the movement in general. There is a wide variety of organizations in the US that accept the term libertarian but do not identify with the Libertarian Party (small l vs big L type distinction).
Yes. That's why I mentioned it. I'm a small L guy. I think you referred to it as a party in your post. Regardless, we agree.
There was a stretch during the Obama years when people like Glenn Beck started describing themselves as libertarians that I thought we might need a new term.
However, I think some of those people kept moving in our direction and I don't think they significantly perverted the meaning in any case.
Conservatives for Cannabis
Lol, fair enough XD
Although, I would encourage you to read Hayek's Why I Am Not A Conservative to think about why that term might not be ideal for freedom's cause
I refer to myself as a libertarian and I think giving up the term is silly. However, voluntarist is a good term because no one has a clue what it means so it gives you the ability to define it to them.