I'd like to see non-custodial LN payments..... something like zaps in Nostr.
In fact, I'd like to see Nostr integrated into SN as an alternative way to authenticate and store posts/comments. It could be a parallel system where SN still hosts its own servers and domain names, but adds a new Nostr client wrapper for people choosing to login and use SN as a Nostr client.
Obviously, a full blown Nostr client version of SN is a huge task. But non-custodial zapping feels like a low hanging-fruit... right?
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 5 Jan
But non-custodial zapping feels like a low hanging-fruit... right?
Yes, I'm working on that currently
How are you implementing this?
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 5 Jan
With Bitcoin Connect from @Alby, see here.
Bitcoin Connect uses WebLN under the hood. It provides us a nice interface to connect with various wallets, including self-custodial ones.
Does this answer your question? :)
That makes sense. Are you depositing into the Stacker News account of the receiver or allowing a separate LN address or something similar to retrieve a BOLT11 (bolt12 optimal here tbh)? If we go non-custodial we should make it non-custodial E2E
25 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 5 Jan
Are you depositing into the Stacker News account of the receiver or allowing a separate LN address
I am working only on sending from external wallets since this is the first iteration. @k00b is working on the receiving side (automated withdrawals).
So my code will send sats into the custodial SN account for now. Migrating to a completely non-custodial UX will be done in follow-up PRs.