📚 Articles to persuade people on privacy...

Have you come across any articles or books that opened your eyes to the importance of privacy?
Which would you recommend sharing with family & friends, to motivate them to start taking back control of their digital data? I may go hunting for some of my own faves later. But for now, opening it up to the floor for articles/books that fall into 1 of 2 categories:
  1. For people who don't yet know digital privacy is important for them
  2. To people who want to take back control, but think it's too much of a challenge
@ekzyis found a great article from Gloria Zhao, mentioned in his SN post today titled:
A good source for articles & tools is the knowledge base & blog by https://www.privacyguides.org Highly recommended.
Many important articles on privacy have been written from time to time. However, I will personally refer you to the early 90s starting with the cypherpunks manifesto
From there I will refer you to activism.net where you can read articles. If some links don't work you can use the webarchive
Here is one site with a very practical example of why privacy is fundamental to human beings and to freedom:
I have the impression that it is a very good argument for people that usually simply don't care.
Tijmen Schep is the author / artist who made this. I have been following him for many years (he is Dutch just like me). Do you know his other work as well?
My favourite of the lot. Thanks for being orange.
Ditched my iphone for GrapheneOS and my $1700 MacBook for a $100 ebay laptop with Debian and nobody in my life cares.
I have been told directly from family members that they are ok with unknown companies seeing what they do online, their pics, texts and phone calls.
Have no idea how to (1) convey to them privacy is important and (2) put into words why in fact I care so much.
Read/posted about a great substack piece in October about the ills of KYC/AML and how it's actually destroying the world rather than helping it.
Good read for those "who have nothing to hide so why should my privacy matter" mindsets
I'm quite interested in a film called Total Trust that is due to come out later this month (Jan 2024) https://total-trust.org/
This is pretty basic stuff for folk new to the concept of privacy: https://proton.me/blog/whatsapp-alternatives