What is the biggest mistake you see people make when trying to secure their own Bitcoin?
The biggest mistake is keeping your Bitcoins with an exchange. NYK-NYC
When it comes to self-custody, some people don't pay enough attention when creating a recovery seed, or try to be creative ("I write the words in reverse order and completely forget about this a year later"). The same goes for passphrases, where people don't realize how crucial it is to remember them, and after some time they ask for the link to recover the passphrase.
what is the biggest roadblock holding people back from taking control of their keys today? what objections do potential customers have?
The biggest hurdle is convenience. People have gotten used to the idea that they don't have to be responsible for themselves because the state and the banks will take care of them. That's especially true in Europe.
For some people, it's scary as hell to be completely self-sovereign.
With Trezor, we try to make the experience of self-custody as convenient as possible, but for some, the paradigm shift is just too big to handle.
do you see a future where everyone is self-sovereign? or will there always be a cohort that wants to pass on responsibility to third-parties?
I think there will always be people who don't want to be completely self-sovereign. But at least they will have the option of handing over responsibility to a party they know personally.
LndHub, LNBank, Galoy and Fedimint are all examples of a project that is custodial but at least they can be deployed and managed by friends/people you trust.
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