I think that most nodes already have this number set, and so pushing this change out would have a dramatic impact on uh, let's just say a certain class of transactions, almost immediately as nodes upgraded.
Many people overestimate the impact of policy. Transactions will propagate through the network if a small portion of the network accepts them. I'm the context of the mempoolfullrbf debate my colleagues calculated that about 5% of nodes adopting it would suffice for the majority of non-signaling replacements to make it to miners.
The Bitcoin network if very different to the Lightning Network in so far that fewer than half the nodes are running on the latest version. In this case specifically, inscribers and miners would have an incentive to simply not upgrade. The main effects of upgrading about half of the nodes to this would be that that block propagation slows down, because many nodes have not seen all transactions in advance and that feerate estimates would be low on those nodes.
Additionally, as miners upgrade, they will earn less fees to the benefit of miners that don't filter.
I also left a nack in the PR with a longer explanation here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/28408#issuecomment-1878746998