I’m rather proud of myself too. I’m the sort who avoids confrontation because it’s my tendency to clam up whenever I feel riled up. But today, I went up to my wife (who was scowling in the kitchen) and asked, “Are you angry with me?” That one question opened the floodgates for us to resolve things. I’m really glad that I took the first step - makes the arduous task of parenting somewhat more bearable
Been there. I hope the unmarried among us can appreciate the magnitude of what you did.
how about parenting& marriage life territory 🫡 not sure what's a better name for that.
not sure what's a better name for that.
I'm not either. I'll have to mull it over. Maybe it could just be a general life advice territory.
I would like to learn what to avoid for sure, and what's better than learning from the experienced ones. 🫡
I like to avoid conflicts too, waste of time and hurt the mind.
Normally, I would just stay quiet for a while, then come to the person to talk - NEVER argue with anyone or make any decisions when you are angry.
Usually when I’m in an angry state of mind, I will down a can of beer and go sleep asap. I believe that there’s nothing a good sleep can’t cure
I don't really get angry often now, but when I do, I turn off everything to be on my own to think. 😂