Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance is everywhere, @carlosfandango.
Siggy I think KR should be sponsoring your territory for the low low price of 100k sats a month. You can put his book club link in the bio. It's like stadium naming rights. This is another reason for territory bios to be static on the top of a territory and not pull down. It would feasibly provide founders with a sponsorship opportunity.
BooksandArticles is brought to you by (bookmarked.club). As long as it was something simple, and related I don't think it would be complete heresy.
Good idea. I would like pinned posts with options to charge a fee for pinning, and a static bio on the top of the page. That's if I was Emperor.
214 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr OP 19 Jan
From notifications I was unsure if you were agreeing with Siggy's ideas or the proposition of taking out k00b and replacing him with Siggy. You are going to need to learn to code Siggy.
Well there is one way to become emperor. Just saying.
"Et tu Siggy?"
i like this idea, the ad functionality should be offered to all territory owners so they have better monetization tools.
however, i’m not sure the description is the right place for an ad… to give the advertiser decent exposure it should probably be some sort of pinned post.
Where we lead, others follow… lol