I love this:
(Aside: take the time to do silly stuff with your kids)
Inversero sounds like a fun place. Sounds fun too. Proof-of-not-working earns you all the benefits in life! Sweet.
A favorite game of mine was to ask the kiddos something like, "Which doesn't belong and why?" A snake, an aardvark, a dolphin, or you?
My "correct" answer would have been something like, "The snake. All of the others are mammals." Of course, there's no exactly correct answer. But the why makes them think. It was fun to hear their reasons and, of course, to argue whatever points came up. For instances, they might say, "Dolphin, because the others live on land," yet, "There are some snakes that live in the ocean." "But those are sea snakes, they're different!" And we go from there.
That's awesome.