I once told my son, when he was much younger, that mirrors were portals to a dimension called inversero where everything occurs exactly as on earth but in the inverse. It was one part me messing with him and another part a creative thinking/imagination exercise. Even at a young age he was quite skeptical but we have had some fun with it over the years. (Aside: take the time to do silly stuff with your kids)
My son is now 13 and could likely explain the physics of photons of light bouncing off a smooth surface at the same angle way better than I could, so we haven't made reference to inversero in years now. But it was the first thing I thought of when I saw your post. So,
a) thanks for rekindling a fond memory b) I am slightly dumbfounded by the fact that in inversero we all hate bitcoin and Jamie Dimon loves it. Good thing it doesn't exist. At least I hope it doesn't.
Great post.
In the star trek universe there is a dark universe that is kind of like Inverso. They call it the "Terran Empire" universe and all the federation's good guys are bad guys over there.
IN fact, all series of star trek have had their casts visit this inverse universe and most of the 1st season of ST Discovery was a fight between the the federation & terrans.
Reminds me of BMO and Football in Adventure Time. They have a really unnerving episode where BMO gets trapped in the mirror world, but it's all disconnected. Only the areas you could "see" through the mirror existed, everything else is a void
Unfamiliar with that but sounds like a fun episode.
I love this:
(Aside: take the time to do silly stuff with your kids)
Inversero sounds like a fun place. Sounds fun too. Proof-of-not-working earns you all the benefits in life! Sweet.
A favorite game of mine was to ask the kiddos something like, "Which doesn't belong and why?" A snake, an aardvark, a dolphin, or you?
My "correct" answer would have been something like, "The snake. All of the others are mammals." Of course, there's no exactly correct answer. But the why makes them think. It was fun to hear their reasons and, of course, to argue whatever points came up. For instances, they might say, "Dolphin, because the others live on land," yet, "There are some snakes that live in the ocean." "But those are sea snakes, they're different!" And we go from there.
That's awesome.
Oh, forgot to mention...
Your Inversero world reminded me of the Kirsten Dunst movie "Upside Down." I enjoyed that movie.
Have not seen it.