Committing to zap upon clicking a link removes a stacker's discretion to check a link or post before rewarding with sats. Spammy bot links will probably be rewarded out of curiosity. Personally, I don't like rewarding naked links, but I won't be able to check for context before an auto zap occurs. This proposal rewards indiscriminate zapping. Can you imagine when bot farms find out about this? I know I can opt out, but I still wonder what's the point? Zapping is supposed to incentivize quality content . Is this a solution in search of a problem?
173 sats \ 1 reply \ @joda 22 Jan
I was wanting this a year ago on Nostr, mostly just for fun and to promote zapping (and test the integrity and throughput of the custodial wallets/nodes). I do think it should always be "opt-in" however. But you make a good point about incentivizing clickbait. I hope and suspect that the community here can deal with that on a case-by-case basis.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @9 22 Jan
I created a script to autozap on