i’m not sure anyone (here or elsewhere) has a good grasp on what technology is “very likely” to succeed in the next decade or two.
personally, it’s hard enough for me to try and predict whether Apple’s current vision pro headset will succeed… and that’s not even considering what kinds of effects it will have on humanity as a whole if it does succeed.
Apple has always been a trend setter.
Smart watches were a thing for a long time but it was only when Apple did it when they became mainstream.
Same with the smartphone of course.
And I think this is the time for mixed reality (VR/AR). They will make this mainstream where others like Google have failed.
The thing is that I don't think it will be as popular as the phones. I think it will match the watches popularity.
That's not really nice of you to say, kr-kr, you're inadvertently calling us technical imbeciles.
I'll forgive you if you take another shot, though. 🤫🥰
hah not my intention… i’m just really skeptical that anyone has that kind of predictive power.
regardless, i’ll take my best guess at your original question and say zoning regulations and electric vehicles.
i think there are studies showing people are happier when they live within a 5 minute walk of their friends, and electric vehicles (scooters, bikes, boards, etc…) might be able to re-shape cities to have higher density, more connection, lower noise, lower stress, and lower costs.
the impact of all of that might be enough to meaningfully change expected lifespans of entire communities.
so 5 minute cities as opposed to 15 minute cities?
most of these "studies" are paid for to skew a particular result
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @kr 22 Jan
yeah something like that. who are these studies paid for by? curious to hear the arguments against a 5 or 15 minute city
They make it sound like some sort of utopia but it's the surveillance and other things that go along with it that they don't mention. I visited UK in the summer. Wow, are they sleepwalking into a surveillance state!! There are lots of arguments against 5-20 mins cities but right now I have to go to bed! 😆
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 22 Jan
hah fair enough. would love to hear your full thoughts on the topic another time, might be a good idea for a full post of its own
I see what you've done there, cowboy.
Hm, it would increase the liveability for sure, though.
a bit of an out-of-the-box answer, i might have a different opinion if i had a deeper understanding of biology and cutting edge genetics innovations
You've redeemed yourself, there's nothing left to worry about, for now...