I didn't say that. I have read three of his books and I enjoyed them all but I just noted he is not popular in the bitcoin community for the things he has said at the WEF. You can listen to his speeches and decide for yourself. I think he a smart guy who wrote some books that I like who has a propensity for central planning and control.
Hmm, what did he say to fall into the pit over at the Bitcoin-space?
Could you share them in broad lines?
Humanity is facing global threats due to technology so should have global solutions. If you like the world cup you are a globalist so you should be ok with global central planning (he didn't say the last part about global central planning but he did say if you like the world cup you are a globalist). Technology/Ai will disrupt society and maybe even our biology so we need governments of the world to coordinate to manage the disruption.
There is also another clip where he talks about depopulation but I think that one gets taken out of context to make him seem like he is implying that the world needs to depopulate where I think he is just referring to trends in the west.