Coming back to this to say more -
I love having kids, and they make life much more complicated.
My whole (week)day looks something like this:
5:00 wakeup 5:30 gym 6:45 home, shower make breakfast other prep 7:15? kids wake up 8:30 kids out of house or I drive breath 9:00 work starts mostly work and some household stuff 4:00 stop work kids already home chaos 5:00 eat dinner dishes, etc kid baths play with kids 7:00-8:00 kid bedtime 8:00 dishes, lunch prep, get ready for tomorrow 8:30 kid wakes up 9:00 kid goes back to bed 10:00 goal is to be asleep
Having checklists has helped at different points, when I feel that we just can't keep it all together with what needs to happen in the mornings or evenings.
Doing sufficient prep in the evening, for tomorrow, makes a huge difference.
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