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Iโ€™m a BIG TIME morning person, and also quite a creature of habit ๐Ÿ˜†. My weekday mornings (typically) go as follows:
โฐ Wake up at 5am, head to the kitchen to rehydrate.
๐Ÿฆด Heat up some homemade bone broth, sip on that while taking care of any chores leftover from the night before.
๐Ÿถ Get the pup out of his crate, walk to the park for fetch session.
๐Ÿฅถ ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ Outdoor cold exposure and breathwork session (~10 mins).
โœ๏ธ Journaling: how I slept and/or how I am feeling, what I am grateful for, what I want to do today.
โ˜• Make a cup of coffee (90-120 mins after waking at the earliest)
๐Ÿ“š Read for between 15โ€“45 mins (depends on the day)
๐Ÿ‹๏ธ ๐ŸฅŠ Exercise
After all this, itโ€™s around 8:30 - 9am, and Iโ€™m all charged up to get to work! โšก ๐Ÿ”‹
Iโ€™m curiousโ€ฆ what do you guys do in the morning? Always looking to learn new tips and tricks ๐Ÿค
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Alarm goes off at 0430
Play on phone until absolute last second before I'm gonna be late
Get dressed fiat mining gear
Drink some water ๐Ÿ’ง take tablets
Piss, teeth, check mirror ๐Ÿชž ๐Ÿ˜œ
Grab packed lunch
Drive to the mines ๐Ÿ˜Œ
When do you do your cleaning videos?
If im in the mines all week, I'll do 5-7 videos on Sunday and edit each one the night before
If I'm on holiday, I'll film one day by day at my leisure
Like today funnily enough, I'm using up annual leave so will film, edit and upload after breakfast ๐Ÿ‘
Batching works.
Kudos to you for setting aside time every weekend to be consistent. I only wish that I were this consistent with my writing. I mean, I do write every day but being able to just focus on batching on one particular day would help me feel freer.
Whatโ€™s your channel called? I would love to watch 1-2 videos on company time haha.
Haha yes please do! my channel is on all platforms but my main driver is YT, I've got 400 subs from 0 and I started 6 months ago.
To be quite honest with you, I love getting the fix, when a video is picked up by the algorithm. But sometimes on a Sunday, I'll get the feeling of dread because I've got to suddenly become creative and farm out 7 videos, straight from the hip!
I agree it's all about consistency, that is ๐Ÿ”‘
All righty! I will get back to you with my thoughts haha
What is your writing about? ๐Ÿ‘€
I know I should focus on one but here are four that are close to my heart: parenting, Japan, AI and Bitcoin
This week I try to pump in effort to write a solid post on SN so as to stack some sats haha
thank you for your service in the mines, brother ๐Ÿซก โ›๏ธ
Get woken up by the kid (hopefully not earlier 6:00)
Run around for a while getting the kid stuff set up. (about 30 minutes)
Check Stacker News
Coffee with oils and spices (about an hour after waking up)
3 Brazil Nuts and 5000 IU's of Vitamin D (when I go to top up my coffee)
Some warmup exercises and stretching before starting work (On a good day)
Woah 6am is tough.
My baby girl sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, but sheโ€™s starting to sleep until 7.30ish every day. I pray she can sleep longer and better haha
It's usually closer to 7am and she's been good at sleeping through the night since she was a baby. All-in-all we've been relatively lucky on the sleep front. Although she's been scared to sleep on her own for awhile, which isn't ideal.
I actually like getting up somewhat early. My work schedule is pretty flexible, so starting early means finishing early.
Alarm at 5:00 At the gym at 5:30 Home at 6:45 Shower Coffeve Kids wake up โ€ฆ
Can I ask how and when you get household chores done? Haha. Eager to see if I can change my methods
My days are often wire to wire. Between kid time, kid bedtime. house cleanup, Iโ€™m booked till 9PM
A lot of things get done on the weekend.
Working from home also helps
Iโ€™m going to remember the phrase wire to wire. Sounds like me lol
Coming back to this to say more -
I love having kids, and they make life much more complicated.
My whole (week)day looks something like this:
5:00 wakeup 5:30 gym 6:45 home, shower make breakfast other prep 7:15? kids wake up 8:30 kids out of house or I drive breath 9:00 work starts mostly work and some household stuff 4:00 stop work kids already home chaos 5:00 eat dinner dishes, etc kid baths play with kids 7:00-8:00 kid bedtime 8:00 dishes, lunch prep, get ready for tomorrow 8:30 kid wakes up 9:00 kid goes back to bed 10:00 goal is to be asleep
Having checklists has helped at different points, when I feel that we just can't keep it all together with what needs to happen in the mornings or evenings.
Doing sufficient prep in the evening, for tomorrow, makes a huge difference.
alarm shower connected my pcs checked urgent matter meditation breakfast
All that? Respect!
The longer I stay in bed, the better ๐Ÿค  I wake up at 8 a.m., have breakfast, wash my face (I shower before going to bed so I can sleep longer), get dressed and at 8:30 I'm at work. It's as simple as that ๐Ÿค 
5.30am - Rise and shine. Prepare to leave the house.
6am - Do household chores. Listen to Fountain or watch Netflix
6.30am - Leave the house
6.40am - Have breakfast at an eatery. Post or comment on Stacker News.
7am - Board the bus bound for school (I work as a teacher)
7.30am - Reach school.
7.40am - Shitpost. (Sorry for TMI.)
7.45am - Attend assembly. Be with my students.
Yes, my morning routine is awfully short. I try to make it impactful these days by formulating my ideas and posting something on Stacker News. I feel that having done so boosts my well-being because I have done something to detoxify my mental clutter and enrich my mind (and perhaps my wallet).
When do you go to sleep?
Round about 9pm!