Why. Why not 6102.
69 69 is a more sly way to do it. ahaahaa
That would have been so much better.
Wow. The fee to send such a small amount was probly more than the amount itself.
This is actually really fascinating. No other ETF in history could have random people send the raw asset to the custodian. Really cool. Might be an eye opening concept to no-coiners still on the fence.
Knowing how the stock market is basically run by HFT's, I wonder if such a "donation" could cause a cascading sell off?
Yea, but the HFT's are observing inflows/outflows through the traditional stock market rails into the ETF. They have zero infrastructure for viewing the underlying AUM.
Still. Your question intrigues me. Did you have a specific scenario in mind for how that could happen?