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Zap to Zero Day 28 | Internet Friends

Is that bad poetry or is it supposed to mean something?
I'm tired because I woke up before the alarm rang and I lost my sense of time again. I only knew it must be before 6 am since that's when my alarm would ring. It was before 5 am.
I like waking up without an alarm. Makes me feel in control; the master of my senses. Even though it might be absurd at closer inspection. And even though I knew I didn't get enough sleep since I did indeed stay up late and I know about the power of good sleep.1 But I started my day with reading a book since that's how I felt in that moment. That's what I wanted to do. Maybe that's what control is about?
I no longer want to continue this series as it is. I have been writing a lot per day. I still have a lot that I want to write about and I will. But not in this format. Not necessarily daily.
Writing daily made me focus too much on finding out which thing of all these things in my head I want to write about today and especially how. But I don't want to write for the sake of writing about anything. I want to write to think, reflect, experiment, be consistent and probably many other things I have yet to discover; but most importantly to have fun. I want my essays to have deeper meaning. I want my essays to have so much meaning that there is always more unintended meaning to be found if you read it again. But I also don't want to force any meaning into them. I want that every reader can find their own meaning inside. I want my essays to be like song lyrics—or just art in general. I think art is whatever you make out of it.
I did have a lot of fun and I am still having a lot of fun but I want to have some other fun, too. I learned a lot about me, you, us and the past, present and future.
And the more I write about what I think about, the more I feel like Joffrey who has to tell everyone that he's the king but that doesn't make him a king—quite the opposite actually. It's like people telling other people over and over again that they don't care. But does this make it true? Quite the opposite is true I believe. I think I mentioned in the past here and there that I don't care about other people or what they think anymore, especially when these people are just wasting my time.
This is still true to some degree but it's also not true to some degree. It's an incomplete statement like almost any written statement. I do care what other people think about me. How could I not? We are insanely social creatures as much as we pretend that we aren't, especially me in the past and in the moments where I needed to accept but pushed that fact away the most. I hope writing this looks easy but I also hope it doesn't since it's not. It's complicated. It's easier than I thought it would be though. I came to realize that most things must look harder than they truly are once you started. You just need to start. And sometimes, you need to say no to some things to start other things. Maybe that's always the case.
I consider this experiment to have been a great success. Points were proven that I didn't even intend to proof. I didn't even write blog posts (even though some told me they think of this as my blog) and yet fascinating people routed interesting stuff to my inbox.

If (you like) this, then (you might also like) that.
— (Recommendation) Algorithms, Everywhere
I have a lot of things planned for the near and far future. For example, I want to keep writing, keep learning piano, start with Taekwondo to get back in shape and continue working on delphi.market, all while keeping you entertained on SN.
But I am the most excited about another thing I didn't mention above. I have been thinking about it more and more recently and when I can't stop thinking about something, I tend to think that it could indeed be something worthwhile to explore more in actual code. For now, it's just a single line of code in my mind. But if that line is inserted at the right place, it could have emergent properties. I also think it could be one of these actions with a 1% success rate of becoming something huge2:
There's a chance that it's not failures that define anything but rather forming your life around trying a ton of things with a specific percentage chance. If you took an action that took one year and had a 60% success rate at something huge, vs something that took a day and had a 1% success rate as something huge, the ones that take the smallest amount of time, thus a person makes the most amount of failures, is more about what defines eventual success.
I think about this a lot when it comes to MVPs in a startup.
I would love to share more here and now but the surprise kind of is part of the point. We just have to wait until the time has come to deploy that line and you will have to trust me that I will do this rather sooner than later. If you liked this series, I am sure you will like that line, too.
This was just the beginning.
Yep, as mentioned, it has been a great success.


1. A brief monologue on value4value

I didn't intend to include any superzap today. But I found this post from @WeAreAllSatoshi while searching for this post and I didn't mention @WeAreAllSatoshi here yet. That's how good our search has become. It shows you the content you need to see, not necessarily the content you're looking for, lol.


Who do you trust? Tell me who do you trust? I see 'em coming at us But when the Molotov drops Tell me who do you trust?
Everywhere I go I see people passing by They keep staring back at me Like some freak in paradise Are you people savage? Pull the knife out from my back In the company of rich I’ll take loyalty over royalty
Come now, surely we can be friends I know so much about you I love you. Look at everything I've done for you You'd be nothing without me Why won't you answer me? I bet you're busy talking to some fucking slut Fucking skank Is she hotter than me? Would you fuck me? Are you gay?
You blocked me on Facebook And now you're going to die


  1. I didn't eat ice cream though.
  2. Or I just really didn't get enough sleep today, lol.
this territory is moderated
This was the best and most inspirational series on SN.
There have been other really kickass things and "projects" that have given me a ton to think about, but this one got me excited and thinking I could do x! and I could do y! which is the most precious thing, the gifting of enthusiasm, a lens to use that makes the world look intriguing and full of possibilities.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
It’s been fascinating to watch - thank you. Onwards and upwards!
It was a very interesting series, but if you don't feel inspired by it then it's time to let it go.
Btw, unless you actually need the alarm, just turn it off. You'll be happier and healthier if you listen to your body, rather than trying to force it onto an arbitrary schedule. Sleep when you're tired, eat when you're hungry, drink when you're thirsty.
I know I sometimes talk too much about my wife and her origin to your liking, but for better or for worse, Japanese norms have become embedded into my DNA 😛
In Japanese, people typically say two things during finales.
Otsukaresama deshita お疲れ様でした (Thank you for your hard work)
Osewaninari mashita お世話になりました (I have become indebted to you)
Thank you for the shout out, internet friend!
To sleep is very important, especielly to sleep deeply because this sleeping is the most resting. Remember that if you're tired because a hard physical activity, 8 hours of sleep is enough to muscles to relax and recover...but if your brain is tired (because stressful activity) 8 hours is definitely not enough... this is one of the property of human body.
I also woke up usually before alarm, I think this is a "habit" which develops when you always wake up at the same time.
In my opinion you don't need to change your style / frequency / etc of writing, your articles are very interesting and useful. I like to read it.
OK...I understood you don't want to reveal NOW the "another thing" what you are excited about, so I don't ask you about now...
Btw...what was the book title you read this morning?
but if your brain is tired (because stressful activity) 8 hours is definitely not enough... this is one of the property of human body.
I agree. I am currently experimenting with my sleep though. I always had irregular sleep and I always fought against it (since I had to thanks to fixed schedules) but I see it like @Undisciplined now:
Btw, unless you actually need the alarm, just turn it off. You'll be happier and healthier if you listen to your body, rather than trying to force it onto an arbitrary schedule. Sleep when you're tired, eat when you're hungry, drink when you're thirsty.
I think I will really turn my alarm off. I can sleep all day when I feel really down but I think that's fortunately no longer the case. It's also a neat trick I kind of forgot: I always woke up earlier without an alarm when I didn't feel too down since I was worried it was already quite late. So I woke up just to check the time and when I realized it's still quite early I felt awake and motivated. So I just stayed up.
I also woke up usually before alarm, I think this is a "habit" which develops when you always wake up at the same time.
Yep, noticed the same. It's very nice. I always destroy my sleep pattern regularly though. It's weird. As if I intentionally don't want to have a fixed sleep schedule. I think I am such a free spirit that I don't even want to have a fixed sleep schedule. And maybe I just need to accept that.
In my opinion you don't need to change your style / frequency / etc of writing, your articles are very interesting and useful. I like to read it.
Thank you! I appreciate you saying that. Sometimes, it's hard to accept compliments (@Undisciplined can probably tell a story about heroes from that) but I tend to overthink stuff and just saying "thank you" can be enough, I guess. It used to feel incomplete and not enough though. Still does but a lot less. So thank you again :)
Btw...what was the book title you read this morning?
Art of Deception from Kevin Mitnick
On to new frontiers. It will be good to watch your journey.
I like waking up without an alarm.
Me too, but unfortunately that's only possible on weekends. I love it when I wake up just 2 minutes before the alarm rings.
I no longer want to continue this series as it is. I have been writing a lot per day.
Once a week seems ideal.