This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Twitter Analytics results for @StackerNewsFeed Twitter account for June 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 74.3K impressions over this 30 day period
Tweets: 1,187 Profile visits: 16,700 Mentions: 261 New followers: 40 Engagement rate: 3.3% Link clicks: 854 Retweets without comments: 307 Likes: 447 Replies: 245
Mastodon (Fediverse) for [](] Followers: 129 (+15 since June 1)

For May 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 71.2K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 1,251 Profile visits: 12,200 Mentions: 217 New followers: 60 Engagement rate: 3.3% Link clicks: 1,000 Retweets without comments: 258 Likes: 425 Replies: 181
Mastodon (Fediverse) for [](] Followers: 114 (+6 since May 1)

For April 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 57.4K impressions over this 30 day period
Tweets: 893 Profile visits: 7,514 Mentions: 300 New followers: 36 Engagement rate: 3.4% Link clicks: 460 Retweets without comments: 167 Likes: 267 Replies: 240
Mastodon (Fediverse) for [](] Followers: 108 (+23 since April 1)

Data for earlier months can be found on the April 2022 summary
Twitter account impressions - April 1 2022 - June 30 2022
Buying ETH is like joining the Nazis in the 1930s. They ended up with all the power and got a sweet gig for themselves. They made out very well. But they overplayed their hand and got ruined in the end. But lets see.
Not a big fan of nazi comparisons - because it kind of downplays the unspeakable horrible things that the nazis did.
Buying ETH is dumb. But dumb is still way better than actually evil.
Funded fountain via ln address and it caused all kinds of bugs. Couldn’t boost my sat balance is wrong beware just use the fund wallet menu to top up your wallet
What's everyone's favorite music albums from 2022 so far?
The Future Sound of Jazz Vol. 1 is really good.
Not a 2022 album though
HODL (Citadel View)
Small poster inspired by so called “Soviet Pop Art”. Created with author's drone photography. High resolution digital print. Physical. Only one item will be ever issued. 30x40 cm size. Shipping worldwide with tracked mail.