Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Just found my cowboy hat 🥲
What does this moderated n tag mean? I know what moderated means, but not sure about the number?
Howdy everyone!
Random thought I had today: “The fiat world consists of people fighting to get themselves to the top. They do this by any means necessary such as lying, cheating and backstabbing people close to them.
The bitcoin world consists of many people working together towards the same goal. They do this by supporting each other, sharing ideas and being inclusive to anyone interested in the same goal.”
Another fiat day done ✅
Hey guys... A question... I was thinking about it, how I can figure out who zapped on my posts and / or comments...because that would be fair from my side to "re-zap" them. Maybe it is possible to check somewhere in SN site? Or just admins / territory owners have this "privilege"? Thanks for replies!
I was thinking about it, how I can figure out who zapped on my posts and / or comments...because that would be fair from my side to "re-zap" them.
Hmm, but I think it's about making the cake bigger = more fun, not just returning the cakes ( favor ). 🤔
however, there are some little hacks you can tell tho if you are paying attention, like some stackers have their own unique zapping codes e.g., @Undisciplined you can even read about the zapping meanings if you are paying more attention:)
No one has this privilege, it's considered sensitive and thus private information.1
We might have opt-in attached messages at some point though. Then revealing sender identity might also be opt-in.


  1. For reasons, they aren't encrypted in the database though, so the SN team could look up who zapped who.
This could be a new SNL segment. Pinned wall of shame.
Day 290 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and 90 push-ups. (30 - 30 - 20 - 10)
Day 71 of horseposting everyday
Horse Stance: 1 minute x 2 sets
Well done
This is getting tiresome.
You gotta finish what you start…
Starting a 4 day fast. Only my second fast ever! Wish me luck
I stacked a few more Sats today. How bout you?
Wooo doggy ran out of IO credit balance on the DB today.
Day 8 of Fountain clips Sats stacked: lost track Followers: 8
From Part of the Problem episode 1085 Domestic Imperialism
Well done!
I have a question. Does getting zaps on Fountain somehow feel different from getting sats on SN n elsewhere since you are building from scratch?
It does feel different. I started doing this because I see potential in fountain's social media features. Those zaps are the signs that it might be working like I hope it can. Similarly, I'm more excited when I get zaps on nostr than on SN. I want everything in this ecosystem to reach its full potential.
Keep at it! It’s nice to witness how the number of followers grows organically
I might not have one today. The clip is made, but I'm having trouble with the fountain website.
3 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined number to go.
Day 43 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 720 sats on 29Jan2024! Running total: 32,965 sats!
Howdy gang!!! January is about to end so let's reflect on how we did on our goals, did we get our desired results? Our strategies need tweaking to get a better result? Remember the final goal is there but we need to divide that into smaller ones, just get one done, one at a time, we've got this. This is one beautiful day so let's enjoy it to the fullest, I wish you a phenomenal day my friend, show this Tuesday who's boss, I believe in you and I'm very proud of what you've done. You're awesome and important. As always, be well and stay frosty.
I got this weird message from SN:
What's that all about?, also weird that there's no https in the request.
That made me check and I see SN with http requests inside the page sometimes. What's that about?
We scaled the database up. Shouldn't happen anymore.
also weird that there's no https in the request.
You mean in the error message? That's a default error message from Prisma, our beloved database driver. Not sure why they don't use HTTPS in their error message.
That made me check and I see SN with http requests inside the page sometimes. What's that about?
Can you elaborate? I am not aware of any HTTP requests that we're doing
Check out this page: #406297
Watch the "connection not secure" padlock as some requests are http only
Check out this page: #406297
That's the page we're currently on. Was that intended?
If so, not happening for me. Which browser are you using?
Got the same couple of times today
heading out for some sun:)
what if the evenings in winter is the better time for work? 🤔 I guess frens in the photo know better!
Nice dog
random street dog:)
I'm going to have to steal some of your photos for the dogs&cats territory. I guess there are a lot of animals wandering around in your current locale?
all yours! let me take more photos and post there:)
I guess there are a lot of animals wandering around in your current locale?
yes, I almost got a "cat attack" yesterday. 👀 like when one follows you, and then the others come along 🐈🐈🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ but the good things is that they are well fed and not aggressive, but want someone to pet them I think.
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good eye!
Selling my car and other things that I do not use anymore. It's fun and other people are happy too. I'll immediately convert those FIAT to SATS😂
I have been putting the Marie Kondo on all my stuff over the past years. Then stacking sats with them. If my junk is just sitting in my basement, I might as well put it to work on the blockchain.
Good morning, Cowboys! Stack Sats and stay humble!
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517 sats \ 11 replies \ @ek 30 Jan
Day 3 of Piano Practice: 2024-01-30-120906.m4a
Mysterious amount of sats for the first to guess the song!
Wow piano 🎹
51 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 30 Jan
Okay, that was very close together and we currently have timeout issues so I'll just give both of you a mysterious amount of sats :)
Might have been easier to guess than expected
$ node Welcome to Node.js v21.4.0. Type ".help" for more information. > Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) 422 > Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) 571
Oof... close!
Yup, as many glitches as Donnie's rabbit had.
Your 'mysterious' zap has me over 500k.
Merci 👊
Might have been easier to guess than expected
I won't tell you how I've guessed it. 🤓 and I like to play this game = more songs from @ekzyis
SN is glitching today 🫥
is also happening here
No problem with that one it's Mad World by Gary Jules.
If you've got a certain DVD copy of Darko there's an easter egg you might like!
The one you played, used on the movie, is such a great version.
Keep it up, that was pretty good!
72 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 30 Jan
If you've got a certain DVD copy of Darko there's an easter egg you might like!
Oh, I thought I know what you're talking about but I don't have a DVD copy of it 🤔
I think I just watched the movie with friends once
Keep it up, that was pretty good!
Thanks :) It's actually the only song I can play in full lol (didn't play in full here)
Brilliant song
mad world?
I gained so many zaps these two days that I feel embarrassed about getting them. Why me? Are my posts so deserving?
Will commit 328 sats per zap for the next 24 hours.
Thank you, Stackers, for your engagement and donations to the rewards pool so that others like me get a share of the pie.
What's the orange square to the right of the hat?
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Thanks. Been wondering about that for the longest time haha
You can’t give them away some days….. as @ekzyis proved…. Try and think of it as recognition of the value that you bring.
Oh don’t worry, I withdrew what I thought was a fair amount already haha
Sometimes you need to take a few sats off the table… but other times you push ‘em to the centre of the table. Just like in a real Saloon.
Why me? Are my posts so deserving?
Stacker News - trolling people with sats since 2021
Not first but still fast!
Today is more like this:
@orthwyrm used to think like you… but now his push ups are killing his first to post stats. As for me.. I’m in a time zone of one; I adopted the 25-hr day to get more work done. It makes you late for meeting for two weeks but then it makes you early for two weeks. So swings and roundabouts…
Luckily, no push-ups for @Natalia! what I do is brew my coffee and wait for the saloon open, occasionally playing with @ekzyis to warm up:))
wait for the saloon open, occasionally playing with @ekzyis to warm up:))
That does rather read like he is a pet puppy lol…
so you are basically the tumbleweed I posted and I am the one you posted
patiently waiting for the background music. 🎹
and the bug is strong today! 👀
nvalid prisma.$queryRawUnsafe() invocation: Timed out fetching a new connection from the connection pool. More info: (Current connection pool timeout: 10, connection limit: 2)
111 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 30 Jan
patiently waiting for the background music. 🎹
She says after the saloon hasn't even been open for 5 minutes
and the bug is strong today! 👀
Yes, EMS is on the way
Be around those who you admire.
Visited a friend yesterday, and we started eating from 4 pm to 11 pm ( yeah, welcome to Turkey! ), and then she taught me how to make stuffed grape leaves, one of my favorite dishes! and it took us more than two hours to make it, quite tiring but damn so delicious and satisfying.
I ate quite a lot of food when I was nomading around, but nothing beats homecooked meals, I'm dead serious!:)

I used to think women who are capable like men are cool, like building things and doing adventures - don't get me wrong, I still love to do these, but I'm not sure is it because I've been staying in Turkey a bit too long, now I really admire those who have magic hands in the kitchen or make the home spotlessly clean. 🪄
That’s why I aim to publish my e-book in Agoda after you xP
Thanks for paving the way haha
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Is it cheap?
I guess it depends on your lifestyle, but I would say it's great value for money!
And if you value what's real - good food, hospitable culture, nice people, deep history, beautiful art, and peaceful surroundings, Turkey is one of the places to be; but then you need to learn Turkish for sure because most Turks don't really speak English, and also need to adapt how things are being done here - sometimes can be quite tiring, and fun at the same time - every day could be an adventure if you let it be.
hey, the fact that I'm living here already says a lot:)
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