Planning on starting a blog/newsletter as a side project that would also hopefully generate a little extra income and would appreciate any input. Have considered a few niches including: Austrian economics with emphasis on the importance of hard money such as Bitcoin and its impact on society, mental health, and education. I'm admittedly not an experienced writer and am mostly looking for a way to share my thoughts on topics that are important to me and hopefully develop a community of likeminded people on some level that I could provide value to. I'm also a bit unsure if it is absolutely necessary to stick primarily to a single niche at a time (and perhaps address the other topics in a separate project) and which medium (substack, wordpress, medium, etc.) would best accomplish this goal. Anyone with any experience doing something similar would be especially appreciated!
577 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 31 Jan
Consider leveraging Ghost, an amazing platform for starting a blog or newsletter. Its user-friendly and simplifies the process up and down the stack. Focus on semi-regular writing, aiming for at least once a week. Consistency holds more value than perfection, especially in the early years. Above all, prioritize writing for yourself. These days I write entirely for myself, asking myself if it’s something I’d enjoy reading. That way I can take my time writing it. Try to find other writers in your community, this I find to be the coolest thing about writing, being able to have conversations with other writers about what you’re working on. Also being able to read each other’s pieces ahead of time before it drops is a ton of fun.
When you get it created drop your blog or post on SN.
Thanks for the advice. It makes sense that the best thing to do is just get the ball rolling with consistent, enjoyable writing. Will check out Ghost for sure.
503 sats \ 0 replies \ @KLT 31 Jan
I’m a big fan of Basecamp, the creators of HEY email where you can also publish a blog where you write it as an email and you send it directly to your subscribers while also publishing to your HEY newsletter website. Feel free to check it out.
Jason Fried and DHH are pretty opinionated in a good way and built a newsletter that doesn’t track your users and you just post so I appreciate the fact that they’ve built an email service that blocks advertising trackers and they carried that concept over to the HEY newsletter feature.
Blogger here. I write for a living and do this blog on the side.
The biggest tip I have is don't do it for the money. Do it because you have something to say. As soon as you do something just for the money, God walks out of the room.
Don't expect one article to go viral. Strive for longevity and consistency. Content is a gravitational pull. The more you produce, the stronger your gravity becomes.
I prefer Ghost over Substack because Substacks all have the same milquetoast reading experience IMO, and I don't believe in building a business in someone else's backyard.
Yeah, I was definitely a but concerned about potential for deplatforming (someone else's backyard). Hadn't heard of Ghost prior so will definitely check it out. Thanks.
It's still early, but I'm planning to foster and encourage original content in this territory. Feel free to experiment here and link to outside platforms. I think that when @k00b's vision for Stacker News is fully realized this may be the best place to post your work. In the meantime, you might also find it easier to earn sats on this site than most other platforms.
Writing here will do wonders…we’re an instant feedback machine, and you earn sats!
For sure! Both SN and the bitcoin community as a whole are full of wholesome people with a lot of interesting things to say.
661 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 31 Jan
Excerpt from the fourth volume of k00b’s rules for life:
start however is easiest. just start. figure it out from there.
Excerpt from the eleventh volume of k00b’s rules for life:
you might not know the best way to do something but the worst way to do something is to never do it at all.
That 11th volume excerpt really hits home. Thanks.
Yes, I want to read your entire book of rules too haha
Do you have a link to the book of k00b? Or are these ad-hoc shared rules :)
Unfortunately most of it's in cuneiform-like language inscribed in mounds of chewed nicotine gum and unknown to most language scholars. Very few parts have been translated to date.
You need to get 1000 followers before you can start earning on Medium. So far, I only have two.
I keep a blog here: But I have discovered that I need to attract on average 20 views before I can earn one cent from Google Adsense. I have found SN to be a more effective way of stacking sats. Haha
Why not post something every day on SN?
deleted by author
Don't do it?
Send them from a a good sender domain. Email providers learn that beehive sends lots of spam therefore beehives own domain is shit