I'm also not sure how I feel about it, the fact that someone need to be incentivized to do chores says a lot about the person?
Like I'm really happy to clean my own place and get things tidy - a clean home makes me happy:)
cleaning house should be regarded as self care.
I've gone through bum periods and I was miserable. The best way to gain a power perspective is to take care of simple things, gain momentum and tackle harder ones. Like Jordan Peterson telling young men to make their beds.
Or my wife says, "I make a wish that my teeth are clean. I brush my teeth and my wish comes true."
10 sats \ 9 replies \ @kr OP 1 Feb
we all have things that come naturally to us, and things that we need to push ourselves to keep up with.
what if this was an interface that motivated people to exercise by displaying coins on local trails and parks?
would you feel differently if the context was changed?
would you feel differently if the context was changed?
not sure, but I don't want to go to any "crowded parks" at any "specific time" or be trained to do something ( bad ) in the name of being incentivized. 👀 so I guess it depends on what we are talking, and the only sustainable incentivizes comes from inside.
And what if someone takes advantage of those incentivizes? And there is no free lunch in this world - how do these programs make money?
31 sats \ 6 replies \ @kr OP 1 Feb
fair enough, it could turn into a pokémon go situation if everyone was chasing after the same sats in a particular location.
And there is no free lunch in this world - how do these programs make money?
good question, i’m not sure. if you were running such a business, how would you try and make money with it?
They make money by taking pictures inside your home. They sell the data or they farm it to see what you buy. You become a profile.
10 sats \ 4 replies \ @kr OP 1 Feb
good prediction, so basically in the same way facebook built up a digital profile of your life, apple and others are going to work to build up a physical profile of your life?
which do you think will be more valuable?
Unfortunately those parties sub out the work so the data miners are the same businesses and they exchange data with each other. This goes back to Nielsen families.
I don't have the exact details but somewhere the model is there.
On No Agenda this subject is covered in the media deconstruction.
This also has been done by TikTok when the shorts are made the screen shots are harvested.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr OP 1 Feb
wow. didn’t know this was happening on tiktok, i’d guess other social platforms are following too.
Gaming yourself is healthy! It's a very smart strategy. It produces endorphins when you achieve goals. Total self hack.