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Honestly, if you can work online, living somewhere with better weather and closer to nature brings so much joy: more peaceful, better quality of life, and great value for money - sounds like an easy math to me.
Okay, one of the downsides that I found is that most young are too busy hustling in big cities, so you might be mostly around elderly people, but that also means more skills to learn, good to stack those that are going extinct, even simple things like cooking, cleaning, or even making things with your own bare hand, because most people might even relying on shitGPT to know how to fry eggs one day.
maybe if I keep talking about it, more smart youngs would do the same? 🫣
I found great balance in a town of 35000 a little over an hour outside a major city. Small town life with access!
This is the way!
I agree - a small town about one hour drive to the city, but walking distant to nature!
This is the way!
Are you trying to trigger me, talking about how I live in a place with less than 100 people (permanent residents)? I left a big fucking city 12 years ago and never regret it
the art of trying but not quite trying!
my best attempt so far is in a place around 600 people and had the best food ( all grew next door ) and the tastiest tap water ( directly from the mountain! ), but I still lack many skills to live in that way, the good news is seeing the problem is the first step at solving it.
Alternatively can’t they just get a fried egg delivered? Instead of using AI just have the robots make and deliver it.
But this second part is interesting. As the younger kids say it’s a skill issue. They understand the importance, just need to touch grass to learn it.
Alternatively can’t they just get a fried egg delivered? Instead of using AI just have the robots make and deliver it.
they can - so they need to work harder to earn more to pay the robot to do it for them. 😂
But this second part is interesting. As the younger kids say it’s a skill issue. They understand the importance, just need to touch grass to learn it.
I realized that seeing how people do or make things, in general, helps and encourages you to try and test it ( I guess that's how babies or kids learn ) maybe you just need to know the right method or have more patience, but then on the internet these days, it either keeps saying it's difficult or telling you conflicting information, and it's better to buy ( trust others ) instead of doing it myself.