I know some people that are detrained have to take a few days off because they're so sore but if we keep it up they'll join back in.
I typically don't train that muscle group if I'm still sore but this is for a good cause and eventually I'll adapt.
In 2001 when I saw all the Marines in the airports I wanted to join the Marines and fight for my country.
So I started doing push-ups, squats, and runs to get ready for basic training but I was in 7th or 8th grade lol.
I got up to doing two sets of 60 on push-ups before school pretty quick, running up & down the bleachers on both sides of the football field, and could carry my 300 lb friend on my back by senior year.
The difference between me and a lot of other people is, I just never stopped training once I quit playing sports for the school.
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Digging deep is good.