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Saturn Day

Good Morning, today is Saturday or Saturn Day Unicode Character “♄” (U+2644).
On top of the planet Saturn is a hexagon.
The hexagon in occult circles is a projection of the cube. If you look at a cube from one of its corners you can see six sides.
Inside of the hexagram is a hexagon. As discussed yesterday 🗲 20240202 ♀ Friday 100aDaytill100k 🗲 the hexagram is composed of two triangles merging together as masculine and feminine. It is also symbolically known as the Seal of Solomon or the Star of David.
Below is a 1618 illustration from an alchemical textbook Opus medico-chymicum written by Johann Daniel Mylius. Notice the symbol for Saturn on the top. As we proceed with this series I will reveal even more. But for now study this image.
The god "El" is Saturn. And can be found in the word Israel which is (IS + Ra +El). In other words, Isis (feminine moon and venus), Ra (Sun god- masculine) and El (Saturn or the male child of the union).
"El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad" (Father of Earth / Jupiter), are symbolized both by the bull, and both wear bull horns on their headdresses. -- El (deity)
Saturday is the Sabbath. It is one of the Ten Commandments given by Moses who came down from the mountain and found the Israelites worshiping a bull. Moses was very upset because the age of Taurus had ended in a deluge or flood (and an ice age). The time was now the age of Aries, so the rams horn or Shofar was to be blown. Eventually the age of Pisces would take precedence which will be discussed tomorrow.
Now back to the cube. Orthodox Jews will use a Tefillin as a focus device during study and prayer. I've even seen an instance in Japanese Buddhism of some monks using a similar device but I can not find it so I'll just put that bird out. The Tefillin is a black box put on the forehead. This box is very significant as it is symbolic for the black cube of Saturn. Now we, "science" funded by fiat currency, didn't know there was a cube / hexagon on Saturn until 1981!
Saturn's hexagon was discovered during the Voyager mission in 1981, and was later revisited by Cassini-Huygens in 2006. During the Cassini mission, the hexagon changed from a mostly blue color to more of a golden color. Saturn's south pole does not have a hexagon, as verified by Hubble observations. It does, however, have a vortex, and there is also a vortex inside the northern hexagon.[13] Multiple hypotheses for the hexagonal cloud pattern have been developed. -- Saturn Hexagon

Front Leaning Day of Rest

So today is the Holy Day for a branch of the Astrotheology Desert Religious orders. It is a day of rest for the Jews. For Seventh Day Adventist it is also a day of rest. If you are a practicing person of these faiths you may or may not skip this 100 push-ups. Tomorrow you might also have a day of rest. For me, I enjoy every day spiritually by getting into the front leaning rest position, prostrating before the great architect of the universe (God), breathing inward and getting to the ground and pushing upward into the sky!
Here is a nice soldier helping another soldier to practice the Front Leaning Rest:
At Fort Sill, Oklahoma I was able to practice many of these push-ups. I had some friendly drill sergeants coach me and my fellow countrymen into better shape. I was very proud to be there because I was from the Virginia Army National Guard. I was a citizen soldier. Now I am a citizen anarchist and sovereign individual. Regardless of my status I still enjoy the sacred act of the push-up.
As a citizen soldier I served in the 29th ID, which came from George Washington's Virginia Militia. Our patch was and still is a Yin / Yang (masculine and feminine). The unit patch also stood for the Blue and Gray which were the armies of the United States Civil War.
I was proud of my service and I still am but I don't make any apologies or justifications for the appropriation of sacred symbols and manipulation of young people into serving a bunch of young and old, corrupt assholes who would bugger your mother, sister and dog while you watched and tax you for the privilege of doing so. I'm not bitter. Just telling the truth. All modern governments use these sacred symbols to push agendas via archetypal imagery, mind control and fiat currency. It is with the self sovereign push-up that we absolve our inner sheep and we overcome the evil empire.
The 29th Infantry Division (29th ID), also known as the "Blue and Gray Division", is an infantry division of the United States Army based at Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Virginia. The division is currently a formation of the Army National Guard and includes units from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and West Virginia. -- 29th Infantry Division
Today I have 25 down and I need 75 more to go. If you are wondering what the #100aDayTill100k is about please refer to @grayruby and the post: 100 a day until 100k

Roll Call:


Photo sources:
  1. Saturn Image - https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/planets/saturn/scientists-finally-know-what-time-it-is-on-saturn/
  2. Saturn Hexagon - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn%27s_hexagon
  3. cubes - https://www.drking.org.uk/hexagons/solids/cube.html
  4. Tefillin - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tefillin
  5. Front Leaning Rest - https://www.deviantart.com/ms81/art/Front-Leaning-Rest-112107811
  6. Hexagram with Planets - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Daniel_Mylius
  7. Rams Horn Shofar - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shofar
Scientific Wild Ass Guess (aka SWAG):
  1. Name Israel - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_(name)
this territory is moderated
Did my 100 yesterday, 40-40-20.
Did my first set of 40 just now. Day 7, 1 week in. Interested to see how many people are left, or on a more positive note, how many more people joined, on the one month mark.
I guess such is true with many things in this world; people come, people go, but in the end, it is the ones that stay that matters. Showing up consistently is what matters. Consistency matters.
Some will drop off but to your point here's hoping some will jump on the bandwagon.
Go Jay! Go Z.
Nice work, bro!!!
I'm still tripping on the Afro pick. My Mom, like a lot of Caucasian American women in the 1980s just had to have a permanent (curly hair). She had a pick exactly like this because that's all the store had. It was funny.
Anyway, great work Jay! It's nice to see you spending time and getting your man Z involved. I look forward to more of your work and I've shared it with some people I know.
Sorry I misspelled your name, Jae.
I followed you on NOSTR. Hopefully you will be at Bitcoin 2024.
No worries.
I haven't bought my ticket yet but I went past two years so I'm still undecided.
I should probably get a booth though.
I'm going for the first time with my wife I'm very excited. If you get a booth there I'll give you my number and I'll visit and if you need to split an hour or two I can coordinate a watch for you.
Thanks Nuttall!
The pick ✊🏽 doesn't care what color your skin is lol. The placard on that art installation says "All the power to All the people".
Z is a good sport about fitness so he keeps me accountable.
Thanks for sharing bro! I really appreciate it.
I enjoyed your mythology and spiritual post yesterday.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks. Children are great observers and salesmen. He will learn integrity and hopefully another young man in the future can gain from his mentoring.
Yeah, he was teaching some young men in the park that were a little older than him how to do lunges.
Once he got some compliments on his physique and knew he could teach other people something then he was pretty much hooked fitness.
I know some people that are detrained have to take a few days off because they're so sore but if we keep it up they'll join back in.
I typically don't train that muscle group if I'm still sore but this is for a good cause and eventually I'll adapt.
In 2001 when I saw all the Marines in the airports I wanted to join the Marines and fight for my country.
So I started doing push-ups, squats, and runs to get ready for basic training but I was in 7th or 8th grade lol.
I got up to doing two sets of 60 on push-ups before school pretty quick, running up & down the bleachers on both sides of the football field, and could carry my 300 lb friend on my back by senior year.
The difference between me and a lot of other people is, I just never stopped training once I quit playing sports for the school.
Digging deep is good.
I agree. I've been inspired to try and make this task an exploration. It will be stronger if I have an early post at the same time every day. I'd also like to learn from others any insight that comes about.
100 at once boom!
Sweet baby, Saturn!
Thanks! On rep at a time. Proof of work. Been running, doing planks, pushups, and pull ups everyday for years!
7 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 3 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
Squats I do also but I have a whole hatha yoga routine that I move around. That's good for the glutes.
@ProofOfWorkFitness suggested we add squats to balance out the upper and lower body work. I have been a known violator of the skipping of leg day so figured it was good way for me to get some leg work in besides the 10k steps a day I always ensure to do.
I build piers and work on the water on a barge so I get plenty of squat and leg work done. Sometimes I have to hold 30 foot piles while the excavator with a vibratory head sets up to drive the piles down. Lot's of physical work.
Now you could still challenge others to accept 100 Squats and 100 push-ups. It could be your soft fork. : )
It's only going to make you better bro.
@grayruby I applaud you for taking accountability and showing up for yourself and for making it public to put the mirror back on everyone else.
100 pushUPS & Squats a day until Bitcoin is $100k
#100adaytill100k #StackSATsGetFit #BetterMoneyBetterBodies 🍊💊⚡
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @9 4 Feb 2024
Finished for the day!!
100 pushups in the bag.
Only 40 down so far today. However, I'd like to request some extra credit, because my daughter's caught me doing pushups the past few days and jumped on my back. I've done a good number of pushups with an extra 35 pounds climbing on me.
You get extra points for having cool daughters. The day ain't over yet. Do 10 each hour! It's your butter, spread it!
Did another 20 just now, so I'm back on pace.
Only 2 * 20 to go!
Appreciate the roll call!
It's to keep me on my task. If it is beneficial then I will continue.
100 Down and Done.
I must confess they were not easy. But I got to keep going. For some good motivation check out @ProofOfWorkFitness
I'm at 75 today. 25 more!