Woke up today and made a Turkish breakfast, it's one of the easiest breakfast hacks I think, so easy but good, and many Turks would eat this breakfast every day, with a little twist, but the bases are the same; this photo was taken from the first time I ate Turkish breakfast, absolutely amazed by it, ever since then I tried to recreate the same breakfast at home haha.
And one of my favorite parts about this Turkish breakfast is the menemen, this was also the first dish that I learned here, it's basically a Turkish style of scrambled eggs or an Asian style of tomato fried eggs but in a Turkish way.
How to cook Turkish Menemen 👩🏽‍🍳
  • olive oil
  • onions
  • green peppers
  • fresh tomatoes
  • eggs
  • feta cheese
  • salt
  1. Add olive oil to the pan, then add the onion and green peppers, and wait till the onion gets soft.
  2. Add the tomatoes.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and wait for the tomatoes to get soft.
  4. Add some salt or red pepper flakes according to your taste.
  5. Add the feta cheese and cook a bit until it melts.
  6. Add the eggs and mix ( under low heat ) - I usually wait for one minute and done.
Afiyet olsun! A super easy dish for breakfast, then you match it with bread and some other jams and nuts, so yummy. And one of the things that I learned during my nomad journey is that you should absorb the knowledge within you, for example the cooking style that you like, then you can make anything you want without being there, now I'm learning to cook all my fav dishes:)
I'm marketing for my territory. Is there a "Natalia's Turkish Recipes" book in your future?
I hope! hahha
I'm really admired by those Turkish mums who can make virtually everything in the kitchen, but it also dies down slowly in the new generations, so I need to stack these skills before it "go extinct". 👀
yum 👀
you can do it too, super simple:) 👀