Both @jeff and @grayruby have recently expressed the grim reality of trying to run a territory on Stacker News.
Labor of love
Also, I think there might be a stigma associated with that little pin. I think a stealth pin would have value. The pinned post would look like any other post.
IMHO This hurts transparency. I have no issues with the pin icon and I would prefer to keep things clear to the users.
@OneOneSeven proposed an icon
This way looks better I think
bolt+pin.svg @sn
<svg width="255" height="252" viewBox="0 0 255 252" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M980 2207 c0 -3 69 -170 154 -369 85 -200 161 -380 170 -402 l16 -39 -419 5 -420 5 89 -96 c49 -53 150 -157 224 -231 75 -74 136 -139 136 -145 0 -6 -44 -60 -97 -121 -216 -245 -222 -254 -52 -86 96 94 177 172 180 172 4 0 160 -157 348 -349 187 -192 341 -347 341 -344 0 4 -103 210 -230 460 l-229 453 429 2 430 3 -216 222 -216 223 68 75 c48 54 72 74 83 69 9 -4 41 -9 72 -11 115 -10 209 78 209 197 0 112 -88 200 -200 200 -144 0 -238 -144 -184 -280 l16 -40 -48 -56 c-27 -31 -56 -65 -65 -76 -15 -19 -27 -8 -302 273 -158 161 -287 290 -287 286z m1020 -197 c15 -29 3 -59 -26 -66 -30 -8 -54 11 -54 40 0 46 59 64 80 26z m-60 -100 c0 -5 -4 -10 -10 -10 -5 0 -10 5 -10 10 0 6 5 10 10 10 6 0 10 -4 10 -10z"/> </svg>
The pin was actually very close to the lightning in the other one.
Transparency? We can hide our wallet balance, cowboy hat, etc. Also, it would be transparent. The reply reveals the agreement. What I was referring to is when I see a pin on a feed I tend not to click it. Maybe that's just me. Once you click the post, you can read that it is pinned.
It'll take some getting used to being able to zap a pin. Because you can't zap the saloon pin as far as I know.