I have a different opinion. I check Bitcoin Reddit more than twitter because its where you will find a good inflow of very new users. Bitcoin Twitter is where most of the conversation happens, but Bitcoin Reddit is where you can get a strong feel for new user sentiment.
Stacker news is going to have the least noise for now, because it is an entire platform dedicated to one thing. But it is an echo chamber, or a "safe space".
I also check other subreddits like technology to see what the sentiment is and if I can detect any measurable change.
Checking for sentiment and noting if it has changed or not, or is slowly shifting, helps you determine where the wider conversation among no coiners is leading, and that is important. How can you convert people to Bitcoin without understanding why they dislike it to begin with?
Everyone in Bitcoin would do well to avoid a diet of echo chambers, it only builds a community that is no different from any other echo chamber you may disagree with.
So have you seen any sentiment shift?