So hearing “they take our jobs” narrative in those countries, in particular since there are so many open positions, is like seriously?
I have the same reaction. I'm willing to accept that the argument could be true, but it's the same in the States -- basically permanently short-staffed bc they can't hire. So it's a lot to swallow.
Of course, the other side would say: you just can't hire at that wage.
And then the other side would say: if I pay wages I could hire with, I'm out of business.
So if immigrants will work for wages natives won't, are we better off or worse? I can't figure it out.
Permanently understaffed?
Which industry? Don’t say agriculture
Drive down main street of a small to medium sized town. The ones that are there -- restaurants, car mechanics, drug stores, basically everything.
Those businesses are not understaffed and it’s not permanent
The wage issue is the least important. The latest arrivals are getting free room and board and medical care.
Labor markets adjust. Employers adjust. Old businesses go under, new businesses start. Circle of life