Glad I archived it because it got 404'd after a few hours
The hero we needed
This feels dystopian and elitist on so many levels. Anyone can come up with a wordsalad of evil, but they actually posted it for a while on the UN official website?!
  • I will not eat the bugs.
  • I will not live in a pod.
  • I will not starve while working for you.
Bitcoin is abundance. Proof of work promotes the need for cheap & clean energy. Abundance of energy and sound money will move society away from dark New World Order objectives... into a new golden age.
As several people already mentioned under the first post: It's satire. It's dark satire.
Idk if you personally didn't read that under the first post. Idk if you didn't read the last paragraph of the article which makes that pretty obvious. I don't want to blame you personally.
...But overall it seems like a lot of people here actually wish it was a real evil dystopian take. Just because you wish you had proof for how evil the elites are doesn't make it the truth. Damnit.
For additional comments, see another post, here on SN, which had the link which was valid before the page was taken down from the website:
🤡🌎: The United Nations on the Benefits of World Hunger #41963
Much of the hunger literature talks about how it is important to assure that people are well fed so that they can be more productive. That is nonsense. No one works harder than hungry people. Yes, people who are well nourished have greater capacity for productive physical activity, but well-nourished people are far less willing to do that work.
This is something a Saturday morning cartoon villain would say lmao
For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.
I'm thinking this article is supposed to be tongue in cheek. A sort of "check your food privilege" sort of thing. The problem is that the UN is such an abysmal organization that the article comes off as the UN just going mask off. Not a great look.