I just don't want to see how SN became another reddit shit.... sad thing, is already moving towards that way. And that's why I do not want to post more stuff on SN (only urgent /important matters).
Some people even accused me that I am posting too much. So I said, ok I move away, I don't care. Let's see what shit are you posting...
Still watching to see the SN direction.
Just my opinion, but we need you here to keep the bitcoin focus, and also as a teacher. No question it's chaotic because of growing pains. Re territories, the new dev ones seem to increase deep discussion regarding building. Yours would too. I'm trying to increase adoption by pulling people from reddit to a sats based earning system, the way nostr is. I understand your worry, though.
People who say anyone else posts too much or wrong kind of stuff can close their eyes...or downzap.
Posts that get zaps get to the top, the rest quickly fade. I don't understand people who want to moderate by other means.
The zapping is the moderation!
Let the sats speak! This is the genius of SN.