Thank you for this. Really helpful and honest update. Have you moved to ES from the UK?
I actually have a hostel / BnB / Bar / Terrazza in San Cristóbal, Chiapas, and am trying to grow a tech and Bitcoin community there... Am in ES on vacation 😋
(I've been in Mexico for a couple of years now, I decided to build a second base. After all the COVID/Brexit shenanigans I felt I needed a plan B, as it seems likely things will continue in the direction they're going in, which is not something I'm too excited about)
Good for you. I hope you build something worthwhile there. All the best with it! Yep, I have left UK several times now and I won't go back this time! 🤣🤣 Sorry to say, but it's a doomed dystopian surveillance state now. Surveillance cams and facial recognition everywhere. The sad thing is (after my last visit) the normies seem completely oblivious to the fact. Combined with the atrocious weather... not sure what there would be to return to.
Couldn't agree more bud. If you're ever in San Cris, Chiapas, come stop by Casa Satoshi and say hi 🤙🏼
I know San Cristóbal de las Casas well. There is something about the blend of cultures. It's a chunky blend. Not so smooth. You have: The old colonial architecture - cobblestone streets, wrought iron gates, the church built in 1577. The even more ancient Mayan Lacandon culture that continues to permeate the region. And the modern world both elbowing in and sprouting up from within that gives the town a mixed identity with an edgy frontier character. It's been a minute, but would love to go back. Hasta luego.