What is ROCK BRAND? I mean is a logo for...
Yeah, well, that is what should be clear from the logo. And if it is not then it's not a good logo.
I thought the word Brand would make it obvious that it is an Ad Agency thing.
Not even close.. The pencil, The rock music reference.. What in that logo refers to a marketing company? Would never relate that.
Ok now make much more sense. Its focusing o the music industry? Why ROCK?
The guitar probably not needed, nor the pencil. KISS (keep it super simple) it's my suggestion...
The guitar at least ties rock with rock music.. Otherwise its just rock
Yeah, i had originally just kept it like you said KISS, but then for some reason I thought adding the guitar + pencil would be cooler.
Yeah, Rock Brand is supposed to just say "cool ad agency" because a Rock Band is a "cool thing". It's nothing related to music at all.
Not bad except on its own I don't understand why the guitar is a pencil.
Hmm yeah, it's not very clear that pencil = copywriter = idea = brand Long stretch. I thought of using a light bulb for "idea" + pencil to look like a guitar, but that would have been even worse.
Nope. I wouldn't have gotten there from the above alone. Maybe you should just drop a lightbulb in the whole thing and forget the guitar analogy? I understand something about idea then, brand, and music.
What are you trying to communicate? The business does what, and its clients are whom?
Why the oranges? Rack?
Rack as in boobs. A dirty play on my part of @RockBrand's initial image. Trying a bit more honestly here: