Here in SN it's really hard to run an auction. We wrote a tutorial, but at that time we did not identify a good mechanism.
At this point, the best suggestion we can do if for the bidder to, fist reach out with the seller for more info-- in the comments or privately-- and only after, send the bid via the SN withdraw to LNaddress function.
This mechanism trust the good will of the seller. Not ideal, but an available option! It is in the seller responsibility and best interest to build trust with its potential buyers.
  • if the seller reject the offer will need to refund the received amount(s)
  • if the seller accept the offer will need to communicate to the buyer
In either way, buyer need to have an option to reach to the seller. We do suggest nostr DMs. @unknown still have not provided a valid contact detail for prospect buyers to reach out
PS: we'll not outlaw this post yet