Darth has been doing this for a year it seems.
Starting with Jan 2023, I will start registering my guides / articles with OP_RETURN on the Bitcoin Blockchain.Why?Because in this way all my work about Bitcoin will have a forever reference in the Bitcoin history. My grand grand kids will know about my contribution to Bitcoin.How?I use OP_RETURN operation in any BTC tx. You can use a specific wallet like Electrum that can do that or use https://opreturnbot.com/ and pay the specific fee to post that simple text in a block. IS JUST A SIMPLE TEXT not a shity NFT. Is like a notary on the blockchain, proving the existence of a document in a certain moment in time.Where?You will find that information on the top of each of my articles, with the reference to the block and tx that contain my OP_RETURN.
For example, you can see one of Darth's URLs on the blockchain here: