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Darth has been doing this for a year it seems.
Starting with Jan 2023, I will start registering my guides / articles with OP_RETURN on the Bitcoin Blockchain.
Because in this way all my work about Bitcoin will have a forever reference in the Bitcoin history. My grand grand kids will know about my contribution to Bitcoin.
I use OP_RETURN operation in any BTC tx. You can use a specific wallet like Electrum that can do that or use https://opreturnbot.com/ and pay the specific fee to post that simple text in a block. IS JUST A SIMPLE TEXT not a shity NFT. Is like a notary on the blockchain, proving the existence of a document in a certain moment in time.
You will find that information on the top of each of my articles, with the reference to the block and tx that contain my OP_RETURN.
For example, you can see one of Darth's URLs on the blockchain here:
Yes OPReturnBot (by @benthecarman) is a great tool for this stuff, you pay over LN to broadcast your message. I use it several times and not only for my guides but also for other documents/events. Let's be clear: this is just a txt message limited in characters, is like a register in time that an event occurred in that block time.
Another cool and useful solution is https://opentimestamps.org/ that you can literally timestamp a document.
also for other documents/events.
the first touch point for me to learn about Bitcoin is that people can get married there, and it lasts forever. 👀
New to me. Not only marriage it seems, but also divorce & death:
Old fashion notaries hate this option to time stamp and register a document, because is destroying their monopoly. But I found some that are using this tool too, because they want to reduce their papers in storage. So an opentimestamp register is easy and can be verifiable until end of times by anybody.
Also some notaries do not want to register any kind of document... so your best option is blockchain time stamp.
Imagining when two people getting married just need to use a multisig wallet to scan and pay ( record ) so cool.
I think you can put anything meaningful there 👀 yet people are doing the dump jpeg...
Like I would had timestamp the day I quit! one of the best decisions I had made in my life.