The 2.99, 3.99, 4.99 rates are silly high.
How could rates higher than Visa or MC make any sense?
If this works, rates will drop 100x with competition quite quick.
thanks for your feedback. We are trying to figure out the right pricing model. The rate climbing is to avoid situations where someone just tries to 'clean moneys' through us until we figure out a decent way to do this in a non custodial fashion with lightning (we'll probably wait for BOLT12 Offers). Top rates are not high enough if you ask me. 😄
They're providing a service in addition to payments. Pricing is hard and no one is competing with them yet. If they can get demand while prices are high that's pretty good signal.
Yah, I realized my own comparison wasn't fair like 602 seconds after my post.
Something about the pricing model being both per-transaction and so high triggered me. An emotional response from me for sure.
Also the diseconomies of scale due to the rate climbing with value compounded the triggering. Idgi.
Good luck to them.