how do you use PGP now, self-hosting is the way? 👀 I don't use email that much, but curious to see what's the proper way to use it.
I feel these encrypted mail providers take away all the burdens and blend everything with a single password, and then users become "stupid" by default; It feels the same when using custodial wallets without having the burden of safeguarding the seeds yourself, but then how come it's pretty much all "custodial way" in the email case? fascinating.
I don't use it any more. I use protonmail, but you're right. It's easy and I'm ignorant about what goes on beneath the hood.
would it be really cool if email blends with sats one day? 👀
  1. paid to send, no spams.
  2. need private key to decrypt the msg.
  3. all the msg follows the key instead of being stuck in the email provider.
it feels almost the same with DM over LN, only the encrypted message part is missing.
it feels almost the same with DM over LN, only the encrypted message part is missing
It's encrypted, only the receiving node can read it. But on SN, we all share the same node and thus k00b and me could just lookup the decrypted messages in the database.