An absolute masterpiece of a record about one night stands, or a letter to the universe, depending.
this territory is moderated
Don't do that to me DotNet...
Why is everything going blurry... Why does my face feel wet... I'm not crying you're crying.
This comes on it goes to 11 and my lungs try to follow it. Masterpiece.
Where do you stand on the Avril's dead and got replaced by Melissa conspiracy theory?? That's always a good 🐇 🕳️ to dive into.
oooh love a good conspiracy theory hehe
It can be quite a compelling arguement at times. Vocal changes, slight differences in mannerisms etc etc. TLDR the theory goes, she died and was replaced by her body double because she was making a record label too much money and they weren't done milking the cash cow yet.
All very interesting... I had a quick look at the "official narrative" on Wikipedia and the guardian, which will of course be the opinion they want everyone to have. I'd never heard to this before. Have you seen the comparison photos of Swift/LaVey? that's quite a likeness. There's definitely a lot going on in the industry... I think someone posted a link about Katy Perry recently and I was going to come back and comment later (but forgot) about a video at an awards show when she was married the Russell Brand. He told her off for swearing on daytime TV then got a little plaque out, which he distinctly held up, with the word "obey" on it. It was really spooky, her whole demeanour immediately changed from there on. People were surmising he was her handler at the time. Another time she talks about how she wanted to be like Amy Grant but it didn't work out so she sold her soul to the devil.
Interesting ... I made a thread. Thanks guys!
Uh oh here we goooooooo
Madness isn't it, but what's also crazy is it's not that farfetched. And if it was all proven true I wouldn't be a little bit surprised.
Oooh that would be a good one for the ~conspiracy territory. I would have to dive in first, and then comment :D