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  1. all posts types support crossposting via @bitcoinplebdev
  2. give polls configurable expirations via @mz
    • it's in options in the poll post form
  3. show founded territories on profiles via @mz
    • founders have a territories tab on their profiles like items
  4. random rewards are no more
    • we are back to rewarding posts, comments, and zapping posts and comments every day
  5. anyone can subscribe to be notified about a territory's new posts now via @ek
    • before only founders got these notifications
    • when visiting a territory, click ... to configure
  6. territory revenue had a bug that wasn't attributing comment revenue
    • that's fixed as of this release and although it's not a lot, it can increase revenues by 5-10% in heavily commented territories
  7. zap undos via @ek
    • in the advanced section of your zap settings, you can configure zap undos
    • zap undos give you a five second window to "abort" a zap before it's sent
@ek had the idea to start a ReleaseChain, so this is the last release: #427868
For a quicker historical review we also have a changelog.
All welcome improvements. I'm curious to see what effect getting rid of random rewards has. I'm guessing there will be more posting and zapping.
I suspect you're right.
I like the game of random rewards, but we never put energy into to communicating it properly.
haha, need to work everyday then:) ๐Ÿ‘€
It's a full time job!
wow, just tested the zap undo, so cool - did you get any notification?
it's really FUN, have a try:)
it's like saying are you really gonna to part away your sats? and you got 5 seconds to change your mind. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
This will be really interestingโ€ฆ
It will. Back to the old days with zapping.
1294 sats \ 8 replies \ @gmd 26 Feb 2024
Zap undos ๐Ÿ‘ I always get nervous when I hover over the 10k/100k zap buttons lol
Just zapped you 10k sats to test undos. It worked.1


  1. That's how engineers must have felt that were told to stand under the bridges they built.2 โ†ฉ
  2. I just read about it somewhere, don't hang me if that never happened โ†ฉ
You'll be really rich if you're able to stote 100k on stackerNews
50 bucks?
No, 100k sats :P
Nope 100k sats
Bucks are obsolete
sure but you're still not going to be rich on 100k sats anytime soon lol
Are you sure?
ps if you have 100k here you probably have a little more in the cold place
Territory notifications are cool and probably underrated.
The next level would be to have the notifications sent with a summary to your nostr messages like chadbot on CASCDR.
Or show your nostr notifications in SN ๐Ÿ‘€
Thats wild,
Add a nostr feed and then voila, a nostr client.
Crazy to think of SN in 2030 with zap.stream, flare and nostr nest integrations in a Start9 app.
Allowing cross posting of links has already spiked my nostr engagement!
I also like to think that the release chain idea was at least partially inspired by my daily mining comments. Itโ€™s ok if it wasnโ€™t, but I like thinking it was lol
I mentioned we could use pinned comments to continue the chain into the past.
That was inspired by your comments :)
Feature idea: a โ€œnewโ€ badge/decorator/icon when thereโ€™s a new user setting added that you havenโ€™t seen. Help draw attention to new developments on the platform for those that miss these posts
I like it!
Good job! Thanks in advance for the improvements, especially since I had also requested some of them.
Here are some suggestions and questions:
  1. It would be interesting to be able to cross-post through NIP-19 because some clients do not support NIP-23.
  2. Are poll participants notified when the poll expires?
  3. Fantastic. I am curious to see the result.
  4. This was the one I was looking forward to the most :)
One of the updates in this PR is using nip19 to generate naddress for non kind1 crossposts instead of noteId (to save to the db and improve search ability when linking out). I thought nip19 was just encodings though not anther note kind?
Nip 23 seems to be the most supported "long-from" nip but I think it would be interesting to have the option to post a discussion as kind1.
yes, kind1
excited to see some crossposting action! will revenue be split equally among crossposted territories?
This isn't territory crossposting yet! It's just nostr crossposting. Before we only crossposted discussions.
random rewards are no more
I, for one, am sad that @ek can now undo his wildly reckless custom zap typos.
He should have to come hat-in-hand begging for his sats back, like before.
I don't know yet if I will use it but I should for dogfooding reasons
SN gets better and better every day!
I never knew that "random rewards" were a thing.
Hence the change
What did it do then?
Never mind, I see.
Can someone explain what "random rewards are no more. we are back to rewarding posts, comments, and zapping posts and comments every day" means?
A digital cowboy named Randol Rankings would flip a coin every night. If it were heads, 100% of rewards went to top comments and posts. If it were tails, 100% of rewards went to the people who zapped top comments and posts.
We fired Randol. Now 50% of rewards go top comments and posts and 50% go to top comments and post zappers every night.
Thank you for the explanation :) i think it's much better this way (no randomness)!
@ek are all territories being shown atm? only 67 left ( it was 82 during peak time? ) and the data is so interesting.
congrats on the shipping ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
anyone can subscribe to be notified about a territory's new posts now via @ek
interesting, you can even do it while muting the territory. ๐Ÿค”
yes muting is just to make them disappear in the feed, notifications are separate
it's confusing though, I agree
trying to see how to take advantage of it - getting to see what I want to see more without being overwhelm.
btw! the undo zap is really fun, and seems it's no limit undo? so I can zap but undo, zap but undo... ๐Ÿ˜‚
new features = SN user hype!
Undo ZAP is a good thing, you wont get sad when accidentally zap someone 100k HAHAHA