Alright so, the day's almost over and I haven't produced a single piece of new writing. I feel unaccomplished and unfulfilled to the max, so I thought I'd talk about my fostering project.
A few months ago we found this abandoned litter under my car tire 👀
This caused us an awkward situation because I don't know anything about taking care of kittens. What do they even eat and how do they eat it? After a quick round of Brave searching (fuck Google), they were getting bottle fed for the next few weeks.
Pretty early on we decided to adopt this little sucker—for reasons I think obvious. This is him after getting caught eating diatomateceous earth 😔
And after a little more discussion, decided to keep his sister. They kind of seem to just go together.
Sorta 👀
Yea, I mean... I try to be “hard 💪 " right, but who's going to separate these two?
Here are there two siblings. They're both bonded with each other, so we're looking to adopt them out together.
It was actually really hard to “raise” them. I don't have a maternal bone in my body, and I'm very work-focused. I get annoyed when I'm writing and something distracts me… and these guys don't just distract, they meow loud and demand a bunch of attention. They don't care about Bitcoin, or being based, or saving the world, or any of my literary interests.
If you'd asked me a few months ago if I could foster kittens, I would've told you no, “I don't know the first thing about that, I don't have time, I don't care, and I don't even like cats 😡 .” But when push came to shove, and necessity demanded it, I just figured it out and pushed through. And now, to be quite honest, I could do it again and correct all the screw-ups I made the first time around. 🤷‍♂️
The two adoptees are going to be leaving us soon, so I'm in a bit of a reflective mood tonight. It'll be nice to know, in hindsight, that when a really unexpected challenge like this dropped on my head, I didn't drop the ball. 🏈
Last photo for the road—this dude grew up good if I do say so myself
This flew under my radar yesterday. Great post! Please give us updates if you have the time.