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I'm dating myself, but I remember during the 2008 financial crisis when Ben Bernanke (helicopter Ben) explained that quantitative easing wasn't money printing. Each crisis they invent a new name. I can't recall what last year's banking crisis bailout was called. This article is a good primer on what is meant by money printing.
I kinda disagree with everyone else since bank reserve just don’t go into the economy.
Imagine speed is money, pumping more gas into the gas tank don’t matter, if the driver (banks) don’t push the paddle. Not because he didn’t have gas, but because he just didn’t need or want to.
Nice topic
What is meant by fiat money printing.
If it goes on a ledger, account or paper and there was nothing but an opinion as to why it should exist, then it is money printing. Especially since all USD are debt instruments so the money printers have created debt value because someone has to pay for it. The easier it is to manufacture the less value it has. Thus we have inflation.
No proof of work.
Printer goes brrr
Swapping high velocity money for low velocity money is inflationary
Velocity matters and so does M1
Quantitative easing is also inflationary. What was controversial about QE1 was the Fed buying mortgage backed securities, a new asset class