2022 showed something contrary to that. There were certainly far fewer posts and sats thrown around total (there are more cowboy hats these days) but the average zap, at least on a per 1k post basis, was higher.
Don’t unfortunately have access to zap data, only in the aggregate post totals. And sats from comments on each post.
Interesting. It's great that you have accessed this data. Maybe I'm wrong. It's just anecdotal, but top posts seemed to garner fewer sats when I first joined SN.
I may have a deeper look into that.
It certainly was more challenging to get to 1k sats back in 2022, but once you did it seems you were heavily rewarded.
Some more off the top of my head, but it seemed (counterintuitively) like stackers were zapping more as the fiat price of bitcoin rose in 2023.
100%. That was definitely visible in charts for all 3:
  1. number of 1k sat posts
  2. total sats from posts
  3. total sats from comments…