I'm the most content whenever I'm with my family.
also, traveling is good for refreshing, what is more important or life-changing is learning and creating, traveling ( consuming ) is not the way to grow.
I've found that blindly consuming tends to leave some kind of emptiness; I'm all for doing it the hard, and thus more often than not, the cheap way.
I'd like to do a study in regards to learning and creating, but most studies I've looked into created the impression that they are strictly a prep for a future full of work (career), which isn't what I'm pursuing.
simply learning for the joy of learning (not for a job) or learning for survival? Contrary to popular belief bitcoin does not fix everything. You can't eat bitcoin. What happens if SHTF? We all need to learn how to survive - think food, water, growing, production, saving, preserving, other survival skills. FWIW I would love to be in your position in terms of not having to worry about working full-time. I have a massive list of shit I'd love to learn, skills to learn for survival, health and just the fun of it. I look at my in-laws who have worked their whole lives to retire and just go to the supermarket, eat, drink booze, watch TV, sleep repeat. I feel like retirement is wasted on them.
I find solace in reading.
I indeed started to read more, too. I've gotten "Broken Money" delivered today, which I'll start tomorrow.