Welcome, again! A lot of things have changed in the past few months, so our previous guides are already nearly obsolete! Isn't that exciting? SN is evolving! The AGORA is your one-stop territory for buying and selling a wide variety of items and pay (or get paid) in sats! This guide is designed to help you design your most effective and engaging post. Hope you find it helpful.

Before You Begin

Create an Account: If you didn't already, sign up for a SN account to start listing your items. Freebies are not allowed anymore and posting in the AGORA atm cost 21 sats. We might increase the fee in the future.
Download the App (Optional): Manage your listings and sales conveniently saving SN as PWA (Progressive Web App) in your phone home screen or get notified installing the SN mobile app, available on Android and i̶O̶S̶.

Crafting Compelling Listings

Clear and Concise Titles: Choose descriptive titles that accurately reflect your item and its key features. Around here, we use tags to define which kind of offer you are sharing. To make it easy you ca click any of the link below to have the title prefilled in your Ad-post: [⚖️ SELL] - [🛒 BUY] - [🧑‍💻 HIRE] - [🖇 OFFER] - [🧑‍⚖️ AUCTION] - [🤝 SWAP] - [🆓 FREE] - [⭐ REVIEW]
High-Quality Photos: Photos are the magic that will speed up your trade and help you find your ideal buyer. If you can take multiple, recent and clear, well-lit photos showcasing your item from various angles will be great. Use the build in SN functionality to upload your images you find in the top-right of the textarea when creating a post.
Detailed Descriptions: Provide a thorough description highlighting the item's condition, brand, size, and any other relevant details.
Competitive Pricing: Research similar items online to determine a fair and competitive price. You can then use this web converter to advertise your item price in sats.
Keywords are Key: it does not mean a ton of random words at the bottom of the post. Make sure you organically include those relevant keywords in your title and description to improve search visibility.
Contact details: SN is anonymous and for now we still not have any DM feature. Communications are public on the post's comments. If you prefer having private conversations with your buyers, we suggest you to familiarize yourself with the nostr protocol and pick any of the available web or device app clients. Include your npub or nostr@addre.ss in the Ad or in your profile.

Optimizing Your Sales Strategy

Be Transparent: Disclose any flaws or imperfections in your item's description, in case it has any.
Discounts: Offer promotions like free shipping or discounts to attract buyers. If you have multiple items for sale, consider creating a bundle package.
Promote it: Posting your Ad here it might not enough, so we highly recommend you share it across your social media profiles and make your circles aware you are selling the item. Especially for physical goods, so you can avoid extra shipping cost. SN also provide referral links, click in the ... after you publish it and copy link to make sure it includes the /r/yourNym append.
Respond Promptly: SN is a vibrant community and responding to comments from potential buyers, quickly and politely, could radically speed up your trade. So make sure you stick around for the next few minutes after you post it.
Safe and Secure Transactions: SN offers secure and anonymous payment processing powered by Bitcoin Lighting Network for anyone to pay you directly to your wallet here. Stackers can also pay you trough yourNym@stacker.news, a unique lighting address you got after registration. Withdraw your sats anytime to your preferred non-custodial wallet.
Positive Reviews: Encourage satisfied buyers to leave positive reviews to build trust and credibility.
Mark it as SOLD!: after selling the item, just leave a comment in the item thread with the [SOLD] tag. You can now also click the ... and pin comment to the top so it will be visible to new visitors.

Additional Tips

  • Be patient: Selling online takes time and effort. Don't get discouraged if your items don't sell immediately.
  • Engage with the community: Participate in discussions and interact with other users to build your presence on SN.
  • Stay updated: Keep an eye out for announcements and updates from @SN about new features, promotions, and community events.
By followin' these pointers and stayin' committed, you'll be ridin' high on the trail of stacking sats! Remember, treat other stackers fair and square, and you'll build a reputation that'll attract buyers for light-years around. Now git out there and start sellin'!